I've been very sick for the past few days, and yesterday was the little cherry on top of a shit week.

I received a text message from my FMIL last night. My FMIL (the biggest JustYes I know!!) and I are very close, and she knows why I want nothing to do with my Mother. But we have also promised to keep each other in the loop if my Mum were to reach out to either of us.

FMIL sent me a screenshot of the conversation. The screenshot was a one sided conversation between her and my Mum.

My Mum said:

"Dear (FMIL). How are you and the family? Hope all is well for everyone. My Husband and I have desperately for the last 2 years tried ringing, texting and phoning (OP). (OP) and (OP's Fiancé) have shut us out completely without any explanation. No calls, no photos.....nothing. Its affected us mentally and physically. Its wrong for (OP) and (OP's Fiancé) to treat us this way. Its torture and don't know what the hell more we should do to solve this!!!!!! Take care (FMIL)"

I immediately texted my FMIL back and said "thank you for keeping me in the loop! <3".

I made it well known that my FMIL can, if she chooses to, respond back. She's an adult. Besides, I know she will respect my wishes; which is 1. don't talk about my Dad's side and I communicating again and 2. keep it neutral.

FMIL stated she'd keep it neutral before I even asked her to do so, lol. FMIL knows everything thus far, but she wont tell Mum that. Bless her!

And she won't utter a word about my Dad's side and I getting along (it's none of my Parents business). Long story short, my Dad (and by extension my Mum) has been disowned by all 3 of his Sisters for being a verbally abusive, entitled narcissist.