“Well that wasn’t here before, Jim. What do you think it is?”

“No idea, Sam. It’s the same size as us but it smells funny. And no fur. Weird.”

“Super weird. Let’s keep an eye on it. I’ll take the first shift.”

90s: hung out at each other’s houses, listened to music, played music (in a band), hung out at the mall foodcourt, went to the beach, played on the rope swing at the beach, went for walks, explored hidden places in our local suburbs, played role playing games, skateboarded, borrowed the video camera from the school and made videos, played basic computer games against each other (Tetris etc), went out drinking, smoked weed, went to concerts…

So many things!

“People only disagreed about opinions, not facts”

Aahhhh, I miss those days!

I’m not even from the USA and I knew of all of those people. As you say, in the days before on-demand everything and streaming entertainment people watched the news.

The cheeseburger is $12 and the chicken burger is $16 if you click and collect.

Super easy to save money if you want to.

I can’t imagine Temu is competing with Smith & Caughey. Completely different market.

S&C will have absolutely lost out to other online retailers, but not that unreliable cheap low-quality shit.

Filter by “used”. There’s still genuine stuff on there.

That seems way too high. Are you accounting for actually using the capital?


Well now I have to Google too… and holy shit! The man would be considered buff at any age with guns like that. His face, body, and general energy do not give “70s” vibes.

Change something! That’s what you do.

I’ve been there before too. I got my old heavy touring bike fixed up and started going for little bike rides - first around Wynyard Quarter, then along Tamaki’s Drive, then hillier and further afield. Eventually I bought a proper road bike and started riding with other people, then bunch rides from a bike shop… got fit, got a sport, got a whole new lifestyle, and made heaps of new friends.

Now I no longer ride (accidents, injury, age, work etc) and I’m starting to feel that “something missing” again. For me, I think it’s the sense of community / feeling a part of something bigger - that’s what’s missing. So I’m spending a little bit of time getting my life in order and thinking about what I want to do next. I’m thinking join a local gym, and Pilates classes, and maybe volunteer at the local community garden.

Anything that will become a regular part of your routine will expose you to new people who might become friends and enrich your life. Having a goal will give you a sense of purpose. Seeing improvements in whatever you try will give you a sense of accomplishment.

It doesn’t matter what you try, just try something new :)

I researched loads of options a year or so ago (including Simplicity) and went with InvestNow Total World PIE. My priorities were: PIE, diversification, low fees, ability to make automatic payments into it.

Did you have the contact details of the at-fault person? How did this play out with the insurance company?

I’ve heard so many horror stories of insurance companies refusing to waive the excess in the situation you describe.

I’m especially interested because I’m also with AA :)

Only disclaimer I’d add to this is that apartments have different potential pitfalls to houses, so make sure you understand what to do due diligence on, and how to do that due diligence. (Body corporate, LTMF, earthquake rating, leaky issues, etc)

Any corporate job. I imagine most of those 653k people aren’t in corporate careers.