I believe so looked rlly good in person

Thank you brother. Do you know what the wing is as well? Looks like a cr but a bit smaller

Will that enable me to use it with a qr2 base side or do i have to buy something else entirely

no it just says playing in battle net, tried repairing and that didn't work either

keep crashing on launchNews & Discussion

game will go to the overwatch screen before the main homescreen and load for a few seconds then just crash. same thing keeps happening to my friend and we were playing earlier this week no problem. wondering if it was an issue for others or not. i get a different crash code every time

i’m facing the same struggle right now. i can’t properly even heel toe cuz im 6’3” so my leg gets in the way. my foot won’t reach when i try to roll it over. any suggestions? size 11 btw

Offline ExpirationQuestion

Ik there’s a bunch of posts on this already but I wanted to know if the 7 day expiration changed. I looked it up on google and got a bunch of old posts talking about how long you can have episodes downloaded but saw a website say there’s no restriction. Just want to make sure before my flight in a few days ty.

Ye I’ve had a streak like that with haven something like 31-33. It ended pretty soon after I counted wish you luck

Is ascendant better than diamond? I have some friends in ascendant that have kinda hit a plateau despite playing frequently and having better game sense than me? I’m one game off so I’ll be quening tonight to get there (this is my 7th rank up game I want to end it all) and I just want to know what you think about the individual ranks?

Generally it’s always better to stick with your team, especially as a duelist to entry. Especially since you play jett you can just dash into a smoke while looking left and right and sit in it for the duration of the smoke. By the time it’s gone your team should be out of main and it’s really easy to swing out the smoke and overwhelm your team. If you’re team isn’t able to do that to get on sight, then you might suggest lurking to one of your teammates or do it yourself if no one is trading you while entrying or you have another duelist on the team.

Dude this act has been so weird. I’m D1 (peak D3 ended D1 last act, same act btw sadge) rn and just a few games ago I got put against two act rank immortals and a crazy Smurf I think maybe they haven’t played much this act and that’s why they weren’t in their elo. Maybe their just hard stuck. Either way, explains the smurf.

Sorry for the late reply. I hundred percent agree with you on this. Reyna falls under the duelist role, but she plays more like a sentinel (on attack). This is why I think she needs a better kit for entrying. This also shows the complete reliance on a players mechanical ability to be able to consistently get kills and open up the rest of her kit.

Reyna. Ok don’t get mad at me. I know that she is the most played agent of 2022, and I can see why. I have a few reasons though. 1. THEY ALL FIT THE STEREOTYPE. In my last ten games of comp with a Reyna on my team, I’ve seen all of them run off mid when we’re calling a fast hit on site. It is beyond Reyna mains to control them selves to lurk. Now don’t get me wrong, sometimes if I just ask if they would come with, some of them do come back. Others straight up ignore you. If I hover jett in preselect and there’s already another duelist but an instalock Reyna makes me switch, I expect them to entry for me. As a duelist main, I should see my fellow duelists not succumb to baiting and lurking. Sure it’s not good for your kd sometimes, but thats the role you picked. 2. Reyna just isn’t a good duelist. I genuinely thinks she needs a re-work for her to be better. When Reyna takes a fight, she has basically no utility to use in the fight (I’m talking direct 1v1, no pulling out blinds), other agents however have a bunch of util to be able to leave if they need to. Jett’s dash/smoke, Raze’s satchel, Yoru’s tp (kind of). Reyna however goes into that fight with nothing to be used mid fight. In the same sense her entrying tools are terrible. Her blind is her sole tool, which is so incredibly easy to break. This honestly might be why Reyna mains tend to lurk to get the jump on someone instead of having an advantage with utility.

Tldr: Reynas tend to lurk and have bad utility.

Wait did you typo or did you mean to say you’ve played cs for 11 straight years? Lmao

Thank you sir! And congratulations that is a really impressive climb

Yo do you ever feel like some games you get brain diffed so hard. I’m only D3 but I’ve had games where the other teams just know what we’re doing every round. Oh they’re defaulting, hold from off angles. They’re pushing a? Have a four stack there. Like every round for one game we got read. Do you have any tips for throwing off your enemies’ reads?

Ye when I crash it just crashes the game and when I reconnect in the middle of the round the barriers are still up but the round already started it’s really weird