the way he defended himself so quickly over me accusing the doc of being a pedo tells me he might be texting minors as a 27 year old lol

yeah your group chat gets a big yikes from me

Ok weirdo.

Maybe not the situation to have the defense “it’s actually okay for adults to text kids inappropriate stuff sometimes” when we are talking about a self admitting pedophile

you’re not even talking about the same thing anymore. you seem young and naive. maybe once you grow up a bit in 5 years you can go back to these comments and read about how you justified grown adults flirting with kids over text.

why are you just coming up with different scenarios and what ifs to justify being a pedo?

I did grow up in a small town. that’s why i saw a lot of those older men with wives befriending young kids and then oops turns out he raped them.

if you actually read his response it is pretty obvious he knew they were a minor. he made it sound like they texted quite often. often enough that the inappropriate messages only happened “sometimes.” Which means there was enough “times” for these conversations to through multiple topics. How he got to the point of asking them to meet up at Twitch Con without asking her age is almost impossible unless he never asked because he did not care how old they were. But I’d wager to bet a guy like him there is no way he did not ask for a pic of what they look like. If he received a picture of someone that looked young possibly a kid a normal person (i say normal as in non pedo it still isn’t normal to be attempting to cheat on your wife with fans) would end all contact. Doc never says he ended contact only that Twitch found out and he never got to meet them so nothing illegal got to happen

adults texting minors inappropriate things is always bad yeah. it is not complicated at all.

as a 26 year old i vomit at the thought of even casually texting minors. i can’t imagine doing that. so if someone is knowingly engaging and pursuing texting minors then it is always bad yes. even that group chat you talked about is pretty shady and i would say those adults need their hard drives checked. but your scenario is different because you don’t feel like a victim and that is fine. but that does not make it okay nor should we continue to turn a blind eye when grown adults are wanting to text kids. i barely have anything in common with someone who is 20 years old. and even that feels too young for me to be talking to someone that is 20. it feels wrong. if it does not feel wrong as a grown adult to flirt with children over text then you are a pedo.

Nah i read it. I was more thrown off by your multiple paragraphs saying a grown 35 year old married father privately texting kids inappropriate messages is okay and can be a good thing

that’s a lot of words you just said defending a pedo… maybe go outside

Pedo Dr Disrespect: “i didn’t have sex with the kid jesus i’m no pedo i just wanted to and texted them that i wanted to nothing wrong with that”

if his best downplay of what happened is “they were inappropriate texts with a minor” it must be REAL BAD

which is just a way of saying sexting with extra steps

exactly. lawyers pouring through their rules might get to a point where yes it is not against their TOS for someone to message minors (especially when their audience is mainly minors) and ask for their snapchat or Kik or whatever. He was messaging minors and twitch didn’t like that but it didn’t exactly break their rules and they agreed to pay out his contract and ban him.

It was quietly cancelled. All that came of it is there is one “ray tracing enabled” pre made world map you can explore a bit. But you can’t do the ray tracing in your own world.

You answered your own question in your post though. They’ve all heard about a lot of issues with Perfect Dark. And they have contacts at the developers of state of decay that implied that games was WAY far off

Ah you haven’t been watching for long. They get predictions right ALL the time. People used think they just cheated and predicted based on what they already knew would be at a conference.

This year was very different. Mass layoffs and studio closures around every corner. MANY game developers are struggling. And the reason they didn’t think most of those games would be there is because of insider knowledge and what they’ve heard from the developers of the games. They were pleasantly surprised too

left titty and right titty. titties is the callout

i’m guessing the people in here who think this is still coming out are the same people who were excited for the day before.

real. Roger seems like a real adult on top of his responsibilities. Meanwhile I haven’t figured out shit about life lmao