Right. My instant thought was WARHAMMER 🤣🤣

If it was Cassia, that’s not pronounced K-asia..

Apparently it wasn’t good customer service. I should be issuing refunds immediately and without even checking whether the customer was still alive.

I dgaf about downvotes and it’s worked fine for me to do things the way I do them for decades so I saw no reason to change anything lol.

Sings the praises of meds.. then goes on to minimise the effects of being unmedicated and perpetrate the myth that she’s ‘not pulling her weight’ and is basically just lazy.. wtf?

My oldest is 13, and there are four children in the house now - my husband still texts me to remind me to feed them when he’s working because I forget that other people like to eat too and just because I’m not hungry doesn’t mean the rest of the household should skip dinner.

Remember to wash boxers when I don’t wear them or look in his wardrobe? Lol. Not happening 🤣🤣

My autism tells me exactly what should be done, in exactly this order, at this exact time because rules - my ADHD prevents me from doing any of it. The best of both worlds and double the reason to beat myself up!

Housework is like working from home. Outside of the house or in an office, you have structure, a time schedule to keep to, other people to hold you accountable.. outside work can be interesting, mentally stimulating, enjoyable - housework, at least for me, is none of these things - it’s a never-ending, thankless, boring grind that has no schedule and no reward, outside of self-imposed ones maybe (those don’t work for me)

Nobody is saying housework is easy or doesn’t require both physical and cognitive effort - way more cognitive effort most days than I have to spare, even medicated. What they’re saying is it’s not stimulating and if that’s all you have in life to keep you in routine, it’s probably not going to work. I guess there are people out there who really love cleaning and would thrive being a stay at home partner, but I really think they are the minority.

I too honoured my dead mother in naming my daughter, as I had told her I would before she passed (over a decade before my daughter came to be) - I gave her her actual name as a middle name, not some ugly butchered variation of an entirely different name.. Kay and Kate are not the same name. Sticking an extra Y in there does not make them the same name, and is in no way an honour to your mother. Kay is a perfectly good name in itself. Or her first name, presumably she had one of those too.

As for Elleigh.. I mean, you can see the name of the sub for yourself.

Don’t be so bloody stupid. Do you hate your kid? Do you want to make her life more difficult? Then don’t give her spellings that make you look illiterate. Especially if the only reason is ‘I saw it somewhere and it looked cute idk’

Depends on how generous I’m feeling and where the order is going, ie how much it costs - if they’re apologetic and nice about it, I tend to reship UK and European orders without asking for another delivery fee. Outside of that, the shipping cost gets higher, so I’m more likely to ask for it to be paid.

I sell things that fit in a padded envelope though so my UK cost is £1.55, if they were big enough to need a box and cost £4+ I would ask that to be paid.

The last time I said this I got downvoted to oblivion, but hey. I’m a 20+ year veteran of internet sales and had my fair share of parcels returned undelivered for various reasons - and I don’t do anything in your situation.

If the customer has contacted me before the thing is returned to report their item hasn’t arrived, and I’ve told them to wait, I contact and say hey, it’s back here, what do you want to do? Usually, I’d request an alternate delivery address if I’m re-sending.

If the order has been replaced or refunded (whether directly or by Etsy) then obviously that’s the end of it, getting the original back is a bonus.

If they haven’t contacted me, I contact them once, and then leave it in their hands. The parcel goes into a box of unclaimed stuff, waiting for a response. I clear the box out every year or so of the older stuff and put them back into sale or salvage parts or whatever.

If they don’t bother to reply to me, then too bad - they obviously didn’t care that much, given they gave an old address and didn’t try to chase the order up in any way.

Very occasionally I’ll have someone contact me months later, in which case I go to the first scenario - reship is usually the only option I’ll offer whether they want it or not, as the refund window has usually closed.

Most of the time the stuff goes unclaimed.

I would not refund an order without having heard back from the customer, especially a custom order that can’t be resold. Why should you be out of pocket for their mistake? If they care so little that they haven’t noticed their order not arriving and haven’t bothered to respond to you (who doesn’t check their e-mails even once in a week, including the junk mail, since let’s face it - 90% of everything goes to junk so that isn’t an excuse for missing messages?) then they won’t notice or thank you for a refund either, while you’re out all your hard work, the shipping and stuck with a product you might not be able to resell.

Etsy gives you their direct e-mail address for precisely this reason, don’t worry about using it for what it’s there for!

Look up Matched betting blog and Oddsmonkey and read their guides. Oddsmonkey has a free trial too so you can try and see if it’s for you. I started in December last year and I think my profit currently is about £6.7k - I did spend a lot of time on it to start but less than an hour a day these days, maybe two on Saturday mornings. I did online only til March, then started in shop offers in addition.

I used it a lot and you get used to going around taking random photos of supermarket shelves - only once or twice did I get asked what I was doing and even then it was just staff curiosity, not that they had an issue with it. I explained that I was getting paid to take pictures for merchandising purposes and that was that.

Dropped it after earning maybe £600 or so in favour of matched betting which for me provided a better hourly rate for my time whilst still having the same idea of going to visit a shop to do a simple task (getting me out of the house, basically) In shop matched betting offers are also much more regular than Roamler tasks and require less time and effort.

No, I do not refund delayed orders, nor do I instruct them to open Etsy cases when it looks clear that the order is going to arrive any day. Leaving ordering to too close for when you need the item so that a few days’ delay means it’s too late is the customer’s own fault, then asking for a refund while the item is still clearly in transit is unbelievably entitled.

I think you quickly grow to hate the ‘alternative’ that people jump to - I still grit my teeth when addressed as the English version of my name without being asked - thankfully these days with weird spellings galore, most people on the first meeting just note the unusual spelling and ask me how it is said, then ‘where’s that from, I’ve never seen it spelled like that before?’

I live in the UK - I think Kristen is definitely more an American name. Kirsty is really common here too, Christy/Kristy would be quite unusual. Maybe it’s an accent thing and has evolved from what was easier to say in various dialects.

YES! That too! What was previously never questioned became ‘curt’, ‘blunt’ or even ‘rude’ when he was never called that before. I am very straight to the point too in e-mails and had to start using emojis in all my Etsy responses because people were constantly argumentative and then accusing me of being rude - maybe I should have just started signing a male name instead 🤣

You can look up the street name from a post code here too, but it’ll still come back undeliverable without the house number in most cases.

I can completely believe it. People also treat what they perceive to be employees of a larger company completely differently to small business owner/operators. There’s expectations that small businesses should be desperate and thankful and bend over backwards to please, whereas bigger companies have rules and stick to policy. Stupid.

Where I am, there’s plenty of Kirstens but I’ve never seen or met a Kristen, so you know how you can scramble the letters in a word but as long as the first and last are correct, your brain still reads it? Hi Kirsten 🤣 (sorry)

I answer to ‘erm’ and long pauses around the place in the alphabet where my name could be expected to land in the attendance register. Surname, understandable, I’m an immigrant and not from a country with a language most people want to take a guess at pronouncing (ironically, apart from a couple of letter combos making a slight variation, our words are just pronounced completely phonetically - say every letter, hey presto. Spelling isn’t a thing you need to worry about)

First name - I literally have one extra letter, a double vowel where the English name has a single, think Lisa/Liisa. You pronounce the double vowel, by slightly elongating the sound (because phonetic - if it was not pronounced, it wouldn’t be there and one vowel = short, two vowels = long sound). The amount of people whose brains melt when presented with this. Including my MIL who after 22 years still can’t spell it..

I keep more abreast of global politics than most. I have no idea what Obama’s kids are called, nor do I care. There’s a big ol’ world out here with a lot more interesting things to look at than the US president’s extended family.

It’s so funny how often it comes up in here that such and such is so famous or well-known, everybody should know this name and how to say or spell it, and it’s some nobody most people have never heard of.

My brother worked for me for years - he reports a massive difference in how customers would respond to him depending on whether he signed e-mails as himself or as me. When signed by a male, people accepted explanations - signed with a female name, they would start arguing, questioning, ‘I want to talk to the manager’ behaviour. Same products, same questions.

Thankfully I’m out of the industry now and happily a hermit so don’t see much of what’s going on - I love tattoos but the industry as a whole is utterly toxic, especially towards women. The flowers were still mostly on thighs when I sold up, and the underboob mandala was going strong.

But yeah. I have a huge portrait of Boba Fett on my arm, and people ask me ‘oh, what does it mean?’ Erm.. I like Boba Fett? And being subjected to explanations of why this squiggly line means that and this outline of a flower is because.. no, thank you. Unless I’m getting paid to listen to you, I just don’t care. Even then, I didn’t care, I just faked it because I was getting paid - unless you actually came in with an interesting idea but those were very few and far between.

Of overdone tattoos, the funniest thing was somebody drew a satirical piece of all the most requested, ‘pintrest’ tattoos of the year lumped into one (a dreamcatcher with a dandelion fluff turning into birds etc etc) and the image went viral and somebody came in and wanted it done. We even told her, you know it’s a piss-take, right? She looked a bit confused but was adamant she loved it so 🤷‍♀️