This compilation ROCKED. The only one I actually owned and listened to regularly. Somehow the cover art truly fit with the track selection, in a way that almost no BB album art achieved.

My only copy is cassette. I’ve been hoping to find the LP!

Carl makes everything better. This song should have been on Stars and Stripes. Could have easily replaced Long Tall Texan.

All I Want To Do from 20/20. That’s gotta be one of their hardest songs.

I love the distance and depth. It looks like photo on the right is slightly rotated which detracts slightly.

Do you recall the horizontal distance between the two?

At the fade out to “All I Want To Do” from 20/20, a couple can be heard having sex. Allegedly it’s Dennis.

At the fade out of Do It Again a section of “The Woodshop song” from the then unreleased SMiLE can be heard.

Amusement Parks USA, the barker says, “Hurry, hurry, hurry folks, come on and see Stella. She shimmies, she shakes, she's got the biggest...” and fades out.

In some mixes (and the session boots, obviously), the final word “a$$” can be heard.

I don’t think Alan can get that high. Assuming it’s not this, what would his highest note be?

The F5 at the end of Our Prayer, just before the hum.

Wow Bruce playing bass and keyboard at the same time!

Those portraits are awesome! I wonder if they were gifted the originals here and what became of them.

Also, these 2 are married IRL!

To make love to the mountain. To envelop, that mountain.

This president is not above the law!

Wow great piece! How did you come across them?

You probably saw that collection and said “I Wanna Pick You Up and we can be Honkin’ Down the Highway together!”