And then a fresh wave of intolerant religious zealots will be looking for somewhere new to live and spread their hate.

It was in my head this fucking morning as I was gardening. I think it's because of how goopy the peanut butter is. I think that might be more typical in the USA? In my country it is much thicker.

God, I think about that peanut butter as much as I think about the Roman Empire.

Because it's a daft question. Equating giving away things that I don't currently need with giving away everything is disingenous. Likewise, your assumption is that I am also not receiving goods and services further down the line. Societies have existed throughout human history without currency or even bartering, so I find your blind faith in the likelihood of it persisting quite bemusing. What happens when you meet people who don't want useless pieces of shiny metal?

There will be a lot of confused preppers trying to foist useless shiny metal on starving people I guess.

Quid pro quo doesn't require currency. I help someone out with a project, they help me put a concrete pad in for a heat-pump later in the summer. Both done because we respect one another and want to help.

You're a curious individual, with a rather depressing worldview.

Why not just give people things they need because they need them and you currently don't? Why are you so obsessed with getting something back?

Of course, I forgot about the bit where BC comes before AD. Still, the vast majority of human history involved essentially loose tribal associations.

I think the implication is that somebody is definitely going to drop the nukes. If they drop their own, they have some control over the outcome.

Anatomically modern humans emerged around 300,000 years ago. The Bronze age started around 2,000 years ago.

The ICC also has effectively no way of enforcing anything it decides.

On the timeline of Homo sapiens, it has really been an extremely small window.

I'd be interesting in some sort of analysis of exactly how well this has worked. As in, are instances of war crimes more or less prevalent within conflicts now?

You think that the concept of war crimes only existed as a consequence of World War Two?

Because that president can do an amazing amount with no oversight, whereas the British monarchy exists in a curious state where they only have power if they never use it. The moment Charles tried to actually enforce his will on the UK, he'd be out.

Do either of them prioritise artillery in their planning in the same way as Ukraine or Russia? I'm given to understand that part of the issue here is that many NATO nations focus on combined arms and air-power, not artillery contests.

Thank you, that is very helpful.

I tried that earlier and it worked very well. Still a few left, but the leaves actually look like leaves again.

I might try spraying some off with a hosepipe to lessen the impact. The new foliage on my cherry is quite distorted by the little devils.

Dig a trench and install a root barrier. They exist pretty much specifically to stop this from happening.