The EPA is just a branch of the IRS/government mafia - this agency is one of the biggest scams in history. They do not care about the environment. Their sole purpose today is to fine private businesses as a government revenue stream. They have made the regulations so ambiguous and complex so they can fine you for just about anything even if you are doing everything right. I’ve seen companies dump chemicals into rivers and pay the fine because it’s cheaper and easier than following the ridiculous and insanely complicated regulations set forth by some committee living in a city that has no environment left. And the EPA is happy to allow it because it’s a consistent revenue stream for them. If the EPA shut the company down they would lose that money. I literally had an inspector tell me they love the plant next door because it’s job security for them.

The lesson here is that the US government doesn’t give a fuck about you the citizen, it only cares about itself and growing its financial power.

I work for a big box retailer specializing in hazardous materials. Often times, manufacturers of the products we sell will ask us to “dispose” of perfectly good and sellable product because it’s not selling fast enough. We’re talkin hundreds of trucks loads full of said product. Perfectly sellable. They will not let us mark it down or sell to a secondary market so their brand name isn’t tarnished. All the while each company claims they are improving sustainability for a greener planet. The most recent example would be 180 pallets of rechargeable flashlights that could have been donated to first responders or to humanitarian aid in hurricane disaster areas. But no, they ended up in a landfill somewhere.

And yet democrats have consistently raised more money than republicans for the past 3 decades…

What does MAGA and electric have to do with each other. That’s like saying Biden voters don’t drive ICE cars. Be better


A young Jennifer Love Hewitt

No regrets. We were both virgins and decided it was our last day at the beach so we went for it. We should have laid on a towel but other than that it was a good experience. We’re friends to this day.

-Basically, I don’t try to live an insta/Tic Tok life -I only buy used trucks/vehicles under 15K and have never had a car payment (if there is one thing to do on this list start here) - I do my own maintenance for 90% of car repairs - I almost never buy new cloths except for work and when I do it’s at TJ Max or Amazon - I do not buy snacks/junk food - rarely eat out - I vote republican to keep taxes as low as they can be now a days (don’t even try to argue blue people, numbers don’t lie) - I don’t go on expensive vacations (I go to my hunting camp and redneck it) - my cell service is Xfinity mobile (35 bucks) - I take care of what I have to max everything’s service life (my mower is 27 years old, Honda, for example) - still using an iPhone 11 because it still works just fine - I put every penny I had into paying off my student loan, no bullshit Biden handout needed because I’m responsible for my own decisions - got a science degree that is in demand and actually pays (no gender studies here) - I don’t live in the city and I bought a shitty house ASAP to build equity instead of paying rent and worked my way up - I know where every dollar goes and I live within a budget - I built my credit score using Dave Ramsey techniques to 820 which saves on interest - every free dollar goes into a 401K or proven stocks

Definitely not looking for dates as I already have a great girl. And I assure you, my singing is worse than those last 2 pics

I’ve never seen him with facial hair until I looked it up

As a Falcons fan, I’m down with that haha