Already did and you’re right! A lot of interesting takes and perspectives, especially in the paradoxes.

It could have been so well done how you described!! Time travel stories are difficult to get right so it makes sense there will be something messed up, but you came up with a perfect way to make it work!

Thank you! He is likely a mix of several, but I was curious ❤️

I am glad that I am not the only one confused and fascinated by this. Like did the pond make the key? Did the key spontaneously come into existence when the time loop started? Is there a very beginning, a time when the first kat/jacob to enter the time loop steal it? That would imply there is an alternate timeline that started it all.

Origins of the Goodwin Key?

So the Goodwin key in season 2 is stuck in a time loop. Jacob finds it in 1999 and puts it with his keepsakes. Kat finds it in 2024 and takes it to the 1800s. She drops it at the pond for Jacob to find in 1999.

What interests me is that no one else gives the key to them. No one finds the key from another source. The key is never at any point outside of the time loop. It always exists between those three events: Jacob finding it, Kat getting it, Kat dropping it. At no point is the key entering the time loop, it is always there.

It makes me wonder how the key was created if it never had an origin before 1814, when Kat brings it to the past. There is not 2nd key. No missing key. It’s a key that simply exists in the time loop without a beginning.

Some context: partially through Sunday’s parade a band of protestors stretched from one side of the street to the other and blocked the progress of the parade. Their banner read “9 minutes of silence for 9 months of genocide”. The police quickly formed a line in front of them, blocking them from view. It was interesting to see from my spot in the crowd, at first he thought it was part of the parade until the police line formed. 9 minutes later they dispersed and the parade continued.

My mother does something similar, she will insert herself into my stories. I once told her about something that happened to me in High School that was funny and an hour later told the same story as if she was there. I think it’s her way of connecting herself to everything in my life.

I’m sorry you have to deal with that! It’s not easy when a narcissistic parent and their mini-me literally hijack your life. Just think, maybe it’s bc they’re jealous of you because you’re more interesting than they are.

I took my dog Bo to get fixed and when I picked him up at 3pm they said not to give him food or water until 7pm and only small amounts as the anesthesia can make him nauseous and cause vomiting. Your dog will feel really sluggish for the first day or two as it works it’s way out of her system and she will definitely look depressed. Mostly because of how tired the medication makes her feel. She should be back to normal, eating and drinking, within the next few days.

I wouldn’t call it teenage drama. I would call this like 7 year old drama, taking turns is like the first thing you learn. My mom just gives off the impression that I’m victimizing her by not doing what she wants and I have started to have little sympathy for her that I don’t know if I’m being assholery or not.

Thank you!

We do have other board games, but not the ones you listed so I will check those out. Hopefully she likes them so she can have more variety. She wants something long bc I think her motivation is she wants to fill the day so she’s not bored.

Whenever I suggest other activities for her there is always an excuse why she can’t or she never follows through. I will admit it is frustrating.

She says she wants “time to go by faster.” That’s the phrase she usually uses when she asks to play, that it’ll make time go by faster. I believe it’s because she watches tv for most of the day she is bored and wants to get the day over with. I have told her that during my days off I’m not interested in time going by faster because it’s my relax time, but she gets upset when I say that.

Thank you for a helpful answer!

This. Like his child is not his focus. His wife isn’t even his focus. Himself is his focus and a dream of a woman worshipping him.

For reference: the vet thinks he’s part Labrador and part Shepherd, but no testing has been done to confirm.

Do not buy a voice recorder as that is a violation of privacy, especially when you have no actually reason to record someone. As previously mentioned, if you have no trust in the person to not make those allegations then do not are a hotel room with them. This is not the fault of your friend and she should not have to lose her privacy because of that. She has at this point done nothing wrong. This is because of your fears. Even if valid, they are your fears.

Telling her you are worried about false allegations will likely not help, it would probably make her afraid you were planning something and setting up the ‘false allegations’ narrative. The best thing for you to do is just not put yourself in that situation.

Your daughter is not JUST your daughter. She is a human being with a dream of her life. If you force (youre not arranging, you are talking about forcing) then you are ruining her chance at a life she wants. The path you are on will be akin to KIDNAPPING your daughter by forcing a marriage and you will be an active participant if she is SA’d by her “husband”. If she is trapped in a life she didnt want, one for ed upon her, I hope she runs away and never speaks to you again for her own safety.

If she engages in behaviors you find i appropriate, maybe ask her why. TALK TO HER. What joy does she get doing this? What plan does she have moving forward? What does she want out of it.

You have only told us what YOU and your husband want from your daughter. You have an idea of her, but you don’t actually inow her as a person. People don’t fit into boxes. Maybe your resentment to her is because of all you were robbed in your own life, while she still had a chance at freedom.

Your daughter is right. YTA big time. And evil.

Focus less on price. Is it a ring you like? Did he take time to make you feel special and find something you like? Did he make you feel loved? 13 years is a long time, but the price of a ring is the last thing that matters. Do you make him feel loved? If he went on Ebay then he took the time to look, to find something he could afford that you might like. YTA. Reassess your values.

YTA, if youre old enough to post youre old enough to clean up after yourself. One day she will be gone and you will live in filth alone unless you learn to take care of yourself without a list.

This has already gotten so many responses but I want to add my opinion anyway. You are a huge AH. Almost evil really. You essentially are holding your daughter hostage for rent money and if she was smart she will never speak to you again for her own safety. She needs to report it stollen ASAP and you need to be in prison. Rent is free in Prison.

That makes sense, resenting the dead doesnt go far.

NTA, you have no responsibility to the woman. I am curious why you hold so mucj resentment for your grandmother with only passing mentions of the wrong your grandfather did, but its likely a situation more complicated than what can be typed out. Blood means nothing in the grand scheme of things, she treated your father in a way you did not appreciate and you are not obligated to be in her life. Be honest with how you feel and your reasonings. People tend to drive away their loved ones and then play the victim when their behavior catches up with them.