How terribly sorry I am that my plebeian troglodyte mind can’t understand the genius of swans. How unfortunate that my feeble idiot mind prefers some nerdy rock music made by some greasy Australian hippies over a band that makes two hour long albums mostly comprised of weird ambient static noise, metal clanging, groaning, and occasionally some guy babbling about incoherent nonsense.

I sincerely apologize ignorance is completely unacceptable.

Mod’s Kitten:Garf_IRL:


Gizzard has a huge discography of albums that cross so many different genres they are easily what I would pick.

Swans are cool and have a huge discography with a lot of variety as well but I don’t want to spend the rest of my life listening to experimental drone music.

It can’t be that good bruh

I don’t remember the last time I ate a Kiwi

Yeah that’s a fair point

Death note was kind of weird light could have killed billionaires and dictators but instead chose to kill mainly criminals who where already in jail

Except the proses to do that is long and unnecessary complicated

It was supposed to be obvious sarcasm but ok