Love this show and actually got my grandsons hooked as well !!!! The eldest is now 17 and still refers to "Stupid Deaths".

Yep and Death at the Funeral ( both UK and American )

"It must be Love Love Love bud dah"

I concur with your hypothesis. She's beautiful.

When I was young during the 60's there was a singer on Bandstand Australia called Patsy-ann Noble who wore her hair in the half up half down style and in our house it became the Patsy-ann. My sister and I would have the hair style whenever we went somewhere "nice".

She looks terrified and doesn't know which way to look. She really should have done her homework and acted accordingly to the country she was visiting.

He has seen a Tiger rug on tv and wants to be one.

First one looks like a dianthus. They're pretty little flowers and I grow mine in pots, also great colours for a winter garden. I'm in Australia.

Are they desexed? There is possibly a female cat in heat in the neighbourhood if the howling is getting worse.

Loathed the end of DH2. Ginny and Hermione looked so frumpy and why were they dressed as 50's muggles? And what's with Ron's beer gut ? Just because they were supposed to be in their mid 30's doesn't mean they lost their taste in clothing themselves properly.

ALDI Queensland Australia. I'm addicted to them 😁

ALDI black truffle and olive oil potato chips. So good!!