How do we just kill rats like they are pests and they can do this? I know I will get downvoted, but they are so smart.

Unfortunately, people need reminders. I hated cleaning the restrooms when I worked in restaurants. I am still traumatized.

That kid should of never took the kitten in the first place.

This makes me....sad. I want someone to buy him and throw him back. He came so far and deserves glory!

Calm down guys. Jeremy milked Audrey like a cow. This is technically raw but it is also breast milk. Yummy!

People she is posting this to be relevant. More clicks. Rage bait or whatever they call it...

"Season". They ruined the word for me.

I had my twins and quietly went home to enjoy them. She's gotta make a whole thing about it. I never heard someone say "birth" so many times. The birth, my birth, the birth of....stop ruining that word for me Auj....😂

Thanks you! I appreciate your input!

Not gonna lie. I don't drink wine, but I would still buy this if the opportunity came around.

What do you use for exfoliation? I tend to skip this step.because I think my skin is too sensitive.

I really like the hyaluronic acid serum. I noticed a big difference. I was skeptical but it's definitely a keeper.

I know this has been said a million times. I still can't believe a murderer has a platform as such and are receiving celebrity like status/attention. I would never have predicted this 10 years ago. It's like we are living in some dystopian strange world. Executed?! Is this broad talking about murdering more people? People are actually giving her this attention. What does this say about us as a society? Hell in a hand basket.

This is what happens when certain people have lots money and almost no responsibilities. To each his own but this life has allowed him to pursue lots of hobbies (aka projects). They have a very comfortable lifestyle due to the show. Audrey would have never climbed the unethical mlm ladder if she never met Jeremy. If my husband and I could stay home all day, we have lots of "projects" we would be free to pursue.