Honestly after dealing with her for that long just to have my SM take her side and bring her back up to my register, I might've just handed them my keys and cash drawer and said "You can ring her out yourself. I quit." DEFINITELY call the alert line if you haven't yet. I'm so sorry this happened to you.

I feel like that's rare, but good on ya. You were probably the only/ best qualified person so they didn't see a point in interviewing multiple candidates.

I remember this story. Only the youngest daughter survived because she was so scared to go down. Solanine gas poisons you in small doses and is lethal when concentrated, much like any other gas that deprives you of oxygen. Not a fun way to go.

I had someone hand two banana peels and apologized for eating them "but they were so delicious." I straight up grabbed their other bananas out of the cart and weighed two of them while making eye contact. Their faces were shocked.

7:30 I don't mind. 7:59 I mind. You got 15 minutes or I'm gonna track you down and make it awkward as hell while I walk with you asking if you need help finding anything.

I only do that if I need 1 or 2 things, usually diapers or pull-ups.

They cannot keep you past your scheduled shift (unless you're a manager or only a manager is left). You should be able to walk out after 9pm and not receive any retaliation. It's fine to leave at 7pm if you're scheduled to then. Same with any other shift. Closing shifts shouldn't be different. If they don't want people late or stuff not done, they should schedule more people to close. I worked past 10pm tonight and last night by choice, but I'm also still P/T and wanted the hours anyway. It still sucked to be out so late, though. I'd hate to do it on a F/T schedule.

They cannot keep you past your scheduled shift (unless you're a manager or only a manager is left). You should be able to walk out after 9pm and not receive any retaliation. It's fine to leave at 7pm if you're scheduled to then. Same with any other shift. Closing shifts shouldn't be different. If they don't want people late or stuff not done, they should schedule more people to close. I worked past 10pm tonight and last night by choice, but I'm also still P/T and wanted the hours anyway. It still sucked to be out so late, though. I'd hate to do it on a F/T schedule.

Rule is 2+ hours before your shift, so you definitely didn't NCNS. I would talk to your SM about that immediately.

Not to mention, since they're LRW, that's also technically stealing, but no one really gives a shit. At least pick up after yourself lol.

I legit glance down at my shirt and walkie and go "I think so/last time I checked/...yeah."

Haven't worked up to "Nah I'm just a big fan" yet lol

Some lady just tonight slipped by the boxer and was taking items OFF OF THE PALLET, causing the stack to become unstable and let some other boxes fall. My poor coworker was pissed.

Hands me a $100 bill for less than $20. Had one that was about $2 once.

"Oh, I have the change." I immediately lock my register because they take a whole minute searching for it and either put each coin down on my register 1-by-1 or end up not having enough or any at all. Usually need a 2nd ringer after.

When customers leave the line after already setting down unloading their items. I don't care what else you need, it can wait.

Puts their 2 things down way at the end of the belt as I awkwardly hold eye contact while I wait for them to get down to me.

Good ol' tries to take my cart or one from a locked register.

We block off the whole aisle with boxers and the pallet. FOH.

Or when you put it in the cart loose and they complain about being rushed while rebagging it themselves. Or they ask you to rebag it lol. That one really gets to me.

I imagine children, too, but no one wants to think about that actually happening.

They can definitely add or remove hours on the schedule, like if someone calls out or needs to move their shift, but I don't think they can rearrange the entire schedule to make it from scratch. Thankfully i picked up 8 hours this week, doing 1-9 yesterday and today instead of the 5-9s like I shared here. Idk why the auto scheduler is so inconsistent on a week-to-week basis.

They're probably gonna use it before the sooner expiration date, anyway. Who buys a gallon of milk if they don't expect to use it within a week?

Ours was doing 5x10 hour shifts but kept leaving 30 minutes to an hour early most days. Then he quit. Now one of our ASMs does it instead. 50 hour weeks seem crazy.

I've heard that for years, but when you break it down, it's still weird. Half your age plus 8 makes more sense and is less creepy. A 21 yo shouldn't be dating a 17yo. If you're able to drink alcohol (USA) you should at least be dating a legal adult.

Friendly FYI: CP is now being called "CSAM" (child sexual assault material) as the word "porn" implies consent.

Edited for correction.

Breaks on 6-6.9 hour shifts only warrant 20 paid minutes, as many of us know, but here in MA state law says employers are required to grant 30 minutes for 6+ hours worked, paid or not, unless you're required to stay at work and/or work through lunch. So I can either take the legal 30 minutes but get 10 minutes unpaid, or opt to only take 20 minutes so I get my full shift paid. Nothing like getting paid for 5:50 on a 6 hour shift.

You'd know. Could be a gust of wind out of nowhere, crows cawing, a metal clang on the distance, sometimes even a cold shiver on your neck going down your spine. You'd feel it.