Worked at some finance company years ago that fucking sucked and had put my 2 weeks notice in. On my last day this advisor was being a dick to me, and his client was on his ass which meant I had to make shit happen. Can’t remember all the details, but over the span of two days this client was closing an account by moving funds over and I accidentally moved all the funds over instead of in two separate transaction. No clue why this was a problem and honestly didn’t care, I left and have no idea what happened after that. Fuck that shithole place.

Look how proud he is of you!! He just wants to show off lol

New member!

Does she want red wine thrown on her? DON’T WEAR WHITE. This also doesn’t match and looks tacky.

Pic 3 looks like Buffalo Bill made it, and pic 4 looks like vaginas.

Jet for my dog to chase, shower to water the garden. The others were a mistake.

If you have any portable fans, you can put a bowl of ice water in front of it to blow towards you. Also if you have any ice packs you can wrap them in towels and sleep with them to keep you cool. Definitely keep blinds closed during the day. Stay as hydrated as absolutely possible. Cold showers before bed can help. Keep your pets hydrated, they’ll probably want to hide, so they may end up staying cool under your bed or in a closet. Make sure your pets aren’t panting, if they are, they’re getting overheated and that needs to be addressed.

The last few times I’ve flown, the pressure changes were killing me and I nearly peed myself as an adult. I’ve never been so close to crying and peeing on a plane in my life and if someone told me to “just hold it” for 3.5 hours the entire plane would smell like piss. YTA for telling him to hold it, but also you both need to make a system for airplane etiquette.

If it’s a lever, I absolutely use my foot, I’m not touching that thing with my hands. I’m still washing my hands after, but if I touch it with my hands I’m never going to feel completely clean and I wash my hands thoroughly twice. I also don’t sit my ass down on any public toilet seat directly, I use a layer of toilet paper before sitting. If it’s too gross, I will hover.

After seeing your post history, I mean this in the nicest way, I think you need to speak to a therapist. Your anxiety about life has got to be debilitating and you can’t live that way forever.

Yes you are. And so are they. Why are you driving so fast? Easily avoidable, you could see the kia crossing multiple lanes and if you had seen any of the context clues around you, you would’ve slowed down much earlier.

Just go to sleep in your bed, I don’t know what the problem here is. Is it covered in mold or spiders or bed bugs? If not, go to sleep.

Lmao I totally just remembered the kids I babysat for years ago wanted to do a lemonade stand but instead of lemonade they gave out pudding. I don’t know why I went along with that. No one is going to buy pudding from kids in 90 degree heat.

Also going with a fan or a white noise machine. I already have a tough time getting to sleep in someone else’s house, I need to be able to focus my brain on something to relax.

I’m 11w4d and I’ve gained weight. I’m constantly hungry and I’ve been so bloated, how am I not expected to gain any weight?? I agree with others, time to find a new doctor.

NTA. I love junk food but junk food doesn’t always love me. My body knows when it’s gone overboard and I have to try to save myself with veggies or fruit and tons of water. Did he expect you to just continue making yourself sick the whole weekend and be completely miserable and not a good time with his family? Because it sounds like he doesn’t give a shit about you.

Oh yea I just had one where every plane was falling out of the sky and everyone on the ground was trying to dodge the planes crashing and then randomly I was on one of the falling planes just watching myself getting closer and closer to my death.

LMAOOOOOO what is it with start-up tech companies and shady bosses???? I worked at a start-up tech company years ago and there were all types of shady business practices going on and after I finally got out of there (along with a bunch of my coworker friends) we found out he was being sued by multiple people AND his “remote office” he had was apparently where he would cheat on his wife! Thankfully she found out and divorced him, her poor young girls though were probably so confused. There was speculation he was cheating on his wife with his exec assistant, but pretty sure it ended up being with someone not from the office.

I went one time and it was the weirdest creepiest place I’ve ever been in. No thanks.

As a pregnant person, the havoc I would wreak if I had to live like that.

11 weeks and constantly hungry and exhausted. I have a snack drawer at work, so I keep feeding my hunger throughout the day little bits at a time.

I have 3 cats and I think they know. They’re usually cuddly, but they’ve been cuddly all at once so I’ll be surrounded by cats on the couch

Oh yea my grandpa’s gf years ago said to me “You should really stick with your own kind.” If only she could see my husband now.