Shih-Tzu Enthusiast


My little guy uses my husbands pillow sometimes ♥️ Seems like he does it when he misses my husband

I’ve heard this theory, but I don’t believe it 😋 Have no definitive proof, but I think Ragnar is Bjørns dad for two reasons. (If I remember the episodes correctly)

1: They share the typical Ragnar + sons clear blue/light eyes that are very typical for his sons 2: When Ragnar is killed all his sons feel it in their bones/soul that something has happened, and Bjørn feels that too

That’s good enough for me 😉

I don't know the stats on how often you should check mirrors and everything, but I totally agree with the other comments. Keep moving your eyes around, be aware. I think that's way safer. I look around a lot and have never been in a single accident/incident. My husband is also a good driver, but he has gotten into to a bad habit of overly focusing on the road - just the road - like what's between the crash barriers on each side, just the asphalt. It's actually sort of scary sometimes, because I would say "watch that cat on the side there", or "be mindful of that pedestrian that is crossing in a few 100 meters", but he doesn't see it until he "right on top of it". And then he has to break very hard to stop for pedestrians for example, instead of breaking calmly a long time in advance (more safe and comfortable for everyone).

He has also never been in an accident, and has very good reaction-reflexes, but I do nag him about this, because it isn't as safe as it could be. So that's why my advice for you is - keep your eyes moving :-P In the mirrors, on the side of the road, a long way down the road (not just 10 meters in front of you) - all around! That's what I learned at driving lessons. :-) Good luck

Shih-Tzu Enthusiast

Awwwww handsome! ♥️

I love the stretchie legs of the grey cat 😂🥰

Shih-Tzu Enthusiast


I also have a little snaggletoof-pupper 🥰 So full of personality ♥️😂

I actually thought about this this morning, because we had a thunderstorm where I live. And I remembered being so scared of thunderstorm when I was little. But my dad would always take me out to the car and tell me I was safer there, because of the rubber wheels, and then we would go for a drive for as long as the storm lasted. He would do it any time, didn't matter if it was three in the morning and he had work the next day <3 It made me feel really safe, and it really helped me get over my fear. I think about it fondly.

Mine is Kai 😋 I love his character design, the colours, the blades and the fun they have with his personality 😂 When he gets so happy that Po knows who he is - so funny

:no: Norway

I really liked the chorus, and thought he had a very powerful voice 👍🏼😊♥️

Shih-Tzu Enthusiast

I love these comparisons 😂 I always thought my dog Pablo has the same face/vacant stare as Ike from South Park


Same beady eyes and mouth 😂


This is Hugo, he absolutely stole my heart, and when he passed away 1,5 months ago from lymphoma he took a chunk with him. I am absolutely broken still... I miss him SO so much

Shih-Tzu Enthusiast

Hahaha this is so clever 😂

Shih-Tzu Enthusiast

I'm 7 days away from my due-date, and I'm feeling like 3 without a doubt, haha... I'm "fed up-Chico"

Short answer: No. Long answer: I’m thinking about several things - Not all (or many at all) scandinavians are Åsatru/norse pagans, so it wouldn’t be natural to give/recieve a specific religious symbol around like that. 😋 Also here in Scandinavia, religion is very private for many of us. We don’t usually talk much about it, it’s a personal thing that many keep to themselves. So I don’t think most families would welcome someone new in a religious way. The would more likely just cook a good meal, be nice and talk to you in my experience 😉

Don’t give up 💛🙂 Nothing wrong with needing a bit more time. I did aswell. I felt like I could never learn, both the practical driving and the theoretical was very hard for me, and I got so much anxiety. But three things that really helped me was:

1: I got a driving instructor who understood me - who was patient with my anxiety 2: I started talking to myself positivly, and my driving instructor actually told me to do that. What you say to yourself matters. After each lesson my instructor used to ask how I felt it went, and I would ALWAYS be so negative. «It went ok I guess, but I messed this up, I didn’t see that, didn’t do that». She told me to rather start the sentence with «It went well!» (Because after all - I didn’t crash the car, I didn’t hurt myself or anyone, didn’t put anyone in danger 😂 So it did go well, eventhough I made some mistakes. And actually saying it went well made me believe in myself more, and I got more confident and secure. And we also talked about what I could improve, but it wasn’t the main focus like a dark cloud you know. We tried to laugh about it, and we moved on. 👍🏼 3: I practiced being more patient with myself. I accepted I needed more time, and that its ok! I would get there, I just needed some time, nothing wrong with that. ♥️

After these changes I was able to get my license after not long, and I am a good driver. I would actually say I’m a safer driver than many - maybe because I worked SO hard and had a lot of lessons 👍🏼You got this! Take your time, be kind to yourself.

Awww, I do the same with my husband <3 I'm glad to hear it's a positive thing for you, I hope it is for my husband aswell. Whenever I have trouble sleeping, or have pain or something - I put my hand on his back or head and stroke/scratch/cuddle him, it makes me feel so much more calm.

Shih-Tzu Enthusiast

My little Pablo is so spoiled, he can sleep anywhere he would like, haha. And that is 99% of the time in our bed, under our covers, next to me <3 He feels so entitled to it now I think, so I'm a little bit nervous - I'm having a baby in a few weeks/days, and my dad is going to watch him when we're at the hospital. And I don't think he'll be allowed to sleep in the bed there :-P


Shih-Tzu Enthusiast

"Mother/father, how could you..!"

Yeah for sure, very true 😋 I was a bit quick. But my point is still the same - all the partners appreciating their wives is very touching 💛

Yeah mine too - he is very hard on himself 👀🫣 I try to hype him up, because I legit think he does great stuff ♥️ Haha awww, nerds are the best 🥰

Haha oh snap, how awkward to write these things 😂😋 Hard to say… Hmmm. Well he has told me often that he appreciates we can have deep conversations and that he thinks (and likes) that I am intelligent 🫣🥰 I dont know if I feel that smart always, but it’s nice he thinks so 😂 And he also likes that I game and draw, it’s fun to have that in common ♥️ And he says he likes that I am caring, loving and funny. I love him so much 🥰

Very true, I was a bit quick. But the wholesome comments are nice to see either way 👍🏼

Awww Yay 🥰 Well he’s really gotten into baking bread, and cooking. And he tries really hard, I admire that. He also made a focaccia which was freakin delicious. And he also has a passion for gaming and computers that I find so cute, it makes him so happy, and I like that we can game together ♥️And the whole reason I even took the hint that he was interested in me 11 years ago was because he really likes to draw, and he drew me a beautiful picture of a nebula and named it after me. It was very touching.