:England: England

Not a penalty , wasn’t intentional

It’s pretty nice, just be mindful of the sugar content.

A complete joke. The guy was given 4 years in prison, which is a travesty by itself, but he was then released after a single year. Ludicrous that he has been cleared to play.

Military fanboys seething right now lmao

They're not wrong. Both are senile old fucks who should be nowhere near office.

Don't know how someone can forget they have a $100 package sitting outside, but you do you ig

Good… constant six hitting gets boring really fast (looking at you IPL)

But on the plus side, she's made the red flags glaringly obvious

The people saying YTA were probably cheaters themselves. No rational person will read this and decide you were in the wrong.

NTA, another addition to the long list of people who ask for an open relationship and are then shocked when it all goes to shit.

Should be legal to run these morons over. Why are they wilfully blocking a vehicle attempting to respond to an emergency?

NTA, it was a heartfelt, sentimental gift you gave her. You can do a lot better than someone who is only after superficial, materialistic gifts.

YTA, you’re supposed to discuss these sorts of matters with your partner before committing to it.

NTA, your wife shouldn't be made to feel uncomfortable at her own birthday party

We shouldn't be making posts with malicious intent behind them, which is exactly what you've done.

So instead of just muting the subreddit and carrying on with your day, you decide to put them on blast when they are hurting no one? Strange behaviour.

Your gf clearly doesn't care about you if she forgot your birthday, of all occasions. You're better off without her.


What software did you use to make this map?