It’s 2 games, both of which H20, Ohm, Cartoonz, etc used fo play together…

1st game: a spell casting game, the map they typically played was a school layout, you’re floating around invisible collecting rocks with symbols to cast spells/traps & also looking for orbs to collect & put on your podium (orbs & podiums were typically red/blue & podiums would teleport room to room).

2nd game: this game chilled chaos played a lot too. It’s a whole group of people, you go through the map collecting items like a shotgun, bottle, camera, syringe, I know to get the syringe you usually need one player to stand on a hot plate to lift the glass encasing the syring then someone else can go grab it. Some people are good some are infected, infected people need to grab blood bags & attack the innocent as the innocent try to escape.

Please help me, been wanting to play these with friends.