It's a mate in 4. Every move is forced. What are u smoking?

You need years of puzzles to find that when you are rated 1800?

They received at least one major round of investment, which, given its valuation, probably means he is no longer the majority shareholder, although the details are not known.

Still, the CEO could hold himself accountable to his employees even if he was a 100% owner. Though they do say that decent human beings generally don’t become successful enterpreneurs.

Shouldn't the CEO be held accountable for overhiring and all the projects that didn't pan out? Throughout this entire tech crisis I haven't seen many (or even any) examples of the CEO getting laid off or their salary reduced.

Yeah and you don't think average rating is a bit low to become an IM? Theoretically you could have a tournament with 3 2400 IMs and a bunch of 2100s and become an IM.

These norms make no sense. Most of these guys are FMs (with only 2 having above 2300 currently). The IMs are sub-2400 as well. So you don't even need to beat an IM-level opposition to get a norm?

There are so many trickier and less unsound gambits for White why would you ever play this.

Fits right in with the rest, 8/10 players have ratings below their title. Seems like a rating farm event set up for Yoo and Nguyen

The easiest solution is just to go mid. You have much better matchups.

Way to overanalyse from your couch when you have more than like 0.1 second to react.

They don't need to threaten it, they will leave the Euros anyway after the next game.

But you don’t need to win the lane against Garen, he falls off and you scale. Not to mention you can help your team with R while he has no utility or map presence whatsoever.

I did in another comment. Mundo.

If you are looking for a champion to pick up only in cases when GP is banned or picked (which is almost never), you are looking at someone you're gonna play like once in 20 games. Yorick is not "hard", but hard enough to play well if you almost never play him. Especially because he has a pretty unique playstyle.

Just in case you think I'm bullshitting 

I'm sorry how can Garen all in you at level 1? Are you starting Q or something? If he starts E, you just blow up a barrel and run away from him and if he starts Q he has no damage to kill you. Garen has no way in general to deal with your barrels, you can sit on your barrel all game and laugh at him. If he ever flash Qs you, you can just W and flash away. You outscale real hard as well.

Olaf is definitely harder than Garen, but it's a very playable matchup. You need ignite for it though, you are right, you can't run away, you need to win an all in so you run Grasp. Olaf has been significantly nerfed in the top lane so I haven't been facing it much recently.

Gragas is a good GP counter, but hard to play.

Olaf is a very playable matchup for GP, but given that you struggle against Garen (which is easy for GP), you might find any matchup hard.

Yorick is hard to play and nowhere near "demolishes" him if the GP is any good.

If you truly are a million mastery OTP you should already know what champions hard counter him. In the current meta, Mundo is the hardest counter that is also easy to play.

Who bans GP anyway? In those cases, you could even dodge, but Mundo is a super safe pick anyway, so just play him.

That is not true, you can hit your barrels to stack Grasp.

DShield sets you back 450 gold from Trinity force, if you are running Fleet you can't run Inspiration secondary which means your opponent is most likely getting their first item before triforce, which is a lost lane for you most of the time.

Most ranged champions have no sustain. You don't need to kite a ranged champion and the 20% speed for 1 second is not enough to close the gap between them.

You still need to trade to regen with Fleet. It's only 20% (10% if you Q) effective versus minions.

Starting D Shield with fleet is a massive concession, you are certainly not going to "win" that matchup, merely survive the lane.

You run ignite and kill him early. Keep poking him, get healing reduction if you have to.

Then there is the E max nasus, you can’t beat him early but then he will push constantly and not get any stacks, just try not to get bullied out.