My sister spilled a bowl of soup on a sofa, we had it professionally cleaned but you could still smell soup 5 years later. Blood, vomit and urine? Nope, you need a new one.

Yes, I take food on every flight. Avoid nuts in case of others with serious allergies, and you can’t take liquids over 100 ml. I took a whole pizza on a flight once!

Zelley on St Giles is my go-to for repairs and resizing. They repaired a ring for me at about a third less than two other jewellers quoted, and did a perfect job.

Usually they do play it, I’ve been the only one in a film many times when they used to do morning screenings. Only once has Vue cancelled a film that I went to see - I didn’t purchase in advance, as I didn’t think it would be busy, they’d had no sales and as it was the last screening they pulled it early.

Perhaps people pay more if they’re dressed up like Bridgerton, King Kong, aliens or whatever?

I’ve asked this before and had different answers, I’m a woman and I’ve used it for groups of women, and mixed groups. Some people see it as ‘default male’ which I somewhat agree with. I was asked ‘would a straight man ever say he sleeps with guys’ if not, then they see ‘guy’ as specifically male. I’ve come to the vague conclusion it’s a ‘read the room’ thing and the context matters. Probably fine at the pub with mates, probably not at a conference, particularly if women are in the minority.

And we’ve found the boyfriend! If you pushed a watermelon out of your penis I think it would be more than a few weeks before you’d want sex again.

We had the same on our house and got the level 2 survey done. All is fine, but I’m glad I know that, and am not just waiting to fall down a chalk mine.

Controversial but I just tried this with an onion bagel and I quite like it! Definitely better than fake cream cheese!

Partassipant [1]

NTA, 8 year old is young so I can understand that she didn’t want to eat a complex meal, this is not uncommon for young children, however if her dad wanted her have something else, he should have made it, not insist you do it. He’s the double ah for then expecting you to make a third meal. If your mum was there, she’s also the ah for not sticking up for you.

😆 I had a pair of work gloves that did this in the rain too. As soon as they got even the tiniest bit wet they became slimy and soapy and covered in foam. I had to run them through the washing machine to get rid of it all.

But not in a clever way. He’d just take it and say ‘it wasn’t me’.

I’ve yet to find one that’s worth drinking. I would rather drink water than instant coffee. It’s fine for making coffee and walnut cake with though!

I ate at Nando’s once and was sick for a week. Never been back.

Those and the Whittaker’s mint creams are both good. But a mint aero would be perfection.