Because we HAVE the laws, they just don’t care about them.

They DID DO NOTHING - not one of them stood up against the government when they come to jail them for the January 6th attacks

THAT is a villain. The lie is in the presumption that this describes every rich person.

How was it a bad night? He had answers - slow sure, but he had them. Trump had ONE ANSWER - immigrants

How to solve social security- immigrants

Childcare - immigrants

Fentanyl - immigrants

January 6 - Pelossi

Water - immigrants

Economy - immigrants

He blamed every problem in the USA on immigrants-

and when you tell people trumps economy was the worst - they say it was COVID and had nothing to do with him 😂😂😂

In battle - on our final push to take back the White House and liberate our USA from the grips of the Republican fascist government to restore democracy and freedom. Hopefully someone would make a wall with our names - those who died to restore freedom.

and what’s the democratic agenda?

I was a teacher for seven years. I felt exactly the same way for the first two years. Then I got good at teaching.

Migrate - ask the thousands of immigrants coming in

You need to leave him AND the USA. Live elsewhere and enjoy like minded people. The USA is under constant attack from within and some us LOVE it here and want to keep it.

There is so much I love about this country try that anyone who’s willing to let our way of life go needs to leave. Every republican traitor and everyone who keeps hating on us.

After he buries his children and then exhumes them - then he can make a living again

A BASIC function of government is to protect us from desease. Yet, in a complete a total disregard of their duties, republicans instead actively work to undermine our health professionals.

If the sex was rape, the benefits she took was stealing