This. If I order C batteries and I'm have no idea what to say, I'll read a couple reviews to get ideas, not to copy them.

You don't know anyone whose concerns are inflation? Really? Are you a millionaire? Last year I made more money then I ever have on my entire life and yet I'm wide off than ever before. Groceries have skyrocketed. I just spent $200 at Walmart and bought at least HALF of what I was buying several years ago. 5lbs of ground beef is now $20. 5lbs of frozen chicken breasts is $25.

Also, the tax evaluation of my house jumped up $120k which seems great, right? Nope. Now I owe more taxes. I literally get nothing out of the increased evaluation because I can't sell it and then go anywhere because housing is outrageous. So now I'm just laying more in taxes AND home insurance. My $1150 a month mortgage shot up to $1600 within a year.

Everything has increased. Everything. And it doesn't help to have an old, frail, out of touch president go on TV and say the economy is great, he just hasn't done a good job of informing the public. He might as well have spit on me because I would be less offended.

It's not above the law if it happens within the framework of the law. The president enjoys immunity for any act that is involved with the role of the president. SCOTUS agrees (at least civil immunity for the moment) that even acts near the outside bounds of the role of president have to be protected even more. This is so the president isn't doing a mental calculus when making important decisions as to whether he'll be held liable.

If the president is to be charged criminally, he needs to be impeached first, as the Constitution explains. Without impeachment, they should have immunity. This isn't "above the law", because it is within the law. If the law were to say that eating potatoes is criminal and punishable by death, except for SpecialSause, me eating potatoes wouldn't be above the law because it would be within the law for me.

The US is NOT a democracy, it's a constitutional Republic. No matter how many times politicians yell about "they're destroying democracy", it's not real.

Even the founders thought "democracy" was a bad word because I democracy, the majority ALWAYS oppresses the minority. Always. That's why it's a republic and checks exist like the constitution and the Senate. The Senate was to make sure that the largest states didn't get the most power in the federal government.

I've been on Reddit for more than 14 years. It use to be a place I would doom scroll constantly. I would lose sleep and procrastinate in order to be on Reddit.

In theast couple years, I don't come on Reddit unless I'm looking for a specific answer on something. I also don't go to Reddit for any kind of general advice on anything.

It's no secret that most of the popular subreddits are controlled by just a few people. That means that reddit has come to be a place that has attracted people of certain politics and certain opinions and it's openly hostile to people that question or are in opposition to those politics and ideas.

I was in agreement with some of those ideas but I saw how openly hostile it was to people that questioned them and decided this wasn't a place worth spending my time I'm glad I made that decision because when people tell about reddit, it's never talked about in a positive way. It's always a dog about how toxic it is.

I mean, they already have your face if the camera wasn't covered before. Also, it's tracking you in EVERY way it can. I guess if it makes you feel better that it can't see your face...

All of my 600+ reviews have been done on mobile. I've only ever had one rejection and that's because I was new and didn't realize I couldn't have a firearm in the picture of my firearm related accessory.

Okay. 3+3 = 6, sure. However, if we're altering the numbers then we should do it consistently. 3+3 = 6 and 6+6 = 12. So the number should be 612, not 666.

If you're going to start manipulating numbers and not do it consistently then you're going to find whatever you want. Literally, you can make any number you want turn into 666 if you manipulate it enough.

So, some will say it isn't real and that it was "debunked". It's supposedly "debunked" because it was proven that the pizza place doesn't have a basement. However, it's been said that they place the same people own next door has a basement or tunnels. I don't know, you have to judge the information from each person yourself.

I don't know if I believe PizzaGste was real or not. What I do know is it's really difficult, if not impossible, to explain those pizza emails any other way. The emails are just bizarre to say the least.

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

In all fairness to Conor, you don't know what you don't know. Experience is the great humbler. It's like when you see a video of someone doing something insane EHILE they're panicking (not just MMA, anything in life) and there are people that say "I would have done this or I would have done that". Maybe. Have you been in that EXACT situation? Then you don't know what you would have done, especially if you're panicking because panicking makes you so illogical things. That's why EVERY emergency training of any kind starts with " DON'T PANIC". That's because if you panic, you're not thinking clearly and rationally.

All that to say you don't know what you don't know, with some sprinkled in ADHD.

You say this but MY FATHER was drafted for Vietnam. I'm sorry if I don't believe that the draft won't happen for my kids.

Assume any electrical device with any sort of connection is listening to you. Everything.

I know this is way after you posted this but thank you. I randomly began talking to my wife about deductive and inductive reasoning and I couldn't quite parse out the definitions I was coming across but your explanation is the best I've seen. Thank you.

Thank you so much. I just spent the last 2 hours searching for where this spring went and I went through forums where people asked and would say they found it and then never show a picture. I really appreciate this

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

I'd like to see a source for this. How would you know that. Wesley Snipes didn't go to prison because he simply didn't t want to pay it. His need of money was why he was going to fight Joe Rogan in the UFC. I'm not saying you're wrong, I just have my doubts. I figure it's people who had a lot of money and then fucked up somehow and don't have the money to pay it. Although, it's just a feeling and I have no source for that, either.

Just a suggestion, but I was waiting until I was so far behind and then I would binge review but I don't like doing that because I feel like I'm just chugging them out instead of doing a good and thorough review. What I do now is I do the amount of reviews equal to what I've ordered that day. If I order 4 items off of vine, I HAVE to review at least 4 items that day. No exceptions. If I forget and I'm about to go to bed, no "I'll add extra tomorrow". Nope. I don't go to bed until the reviews are done. This way I don't get too far behind. Just a suggestion.

Lol yeah, my RFY is very hot or miss. I'll get baby items which I never order but I do get a lot of tools, which is what I prefer. A couple weeks ago I got a really nice Craftsman tools set that had 1/4", 3/8", and 1/2" drivers with socket sets, wrenches, ect, all with a 3 drawer toolbox. I grabbed it almost immediately as I saw it. I later looked it up elsewhere to see what it sells for normally and it seems to retail for about $250. On the Amazon product page it said $275 BUT when I clicked on it to order it, the EVT was $187.

Shame on you for not calling the cops first so they could have watched that KO with you.

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

I actually feel ashamed that I was worried for Holloway for this fight. I was worried Max wouldn't be the same. Boy, did I get that incorrect. I will NEVER underestimate this man again. Ever.

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

This EXACTLY. I'm reading through all of these comments and I'm just like "these people have already made up their minds". I'm not saying Jon isn't a piece of shit and I'm not saying that Jon didn't do what they're accusing him of doing. I don't know. Neither do the people in this reddit. They see something that doesn't quite fit the narrative they want so they become Olympic level athletes trying to twist it into how it fits what they want it to.

I actually stopped using Reddit because of this, with few exceptions. The US has a legal standard of "innocent until proven guilty" and for criminal acts of others, I stand by that standard for my opinions. People see that Jon did some shitty stuff in the past and they're using that as a reason why he did this. There's a reason prosecutors aren't allowed to bring up past crimes with some, very narrow exceptions.

I saw the comments and then scrolled down and looked at the negative karma comments and before I even opened them knew it would be people saying "hey, this looks weird and I'm not going to automatically say Jon is guilty" and sure enough, that was it.

It depends. Are they actually pedophiles or are they people he is CLAIMING are pedophiles?

We have a right to due process for a reason. There's a presumption of innocence for a reason. Everyone is always okay to forgo those things when it's someone ELSE'S rights being violated.

What trauma? It was a mild riot. I might consider that if after every BLM riot we have multiple examples of cops offing themselves, but as far as I know we don't. I won't say it's impossible but it's suspicious enough to ask questions.

The reviews can definitely get away from you but I've implemented a rule upon myself and that is that I MUST do an amount of reviews everyday that is at least equal to the amount of orders I've made that day. So if I order 1 item, I have to at least do one review. Conversely, I sometimes will do 5 reviews in a day before ordering and then I know I can order at least 5 items without having to do more reviews.

I've made it a hard line in myself and I can't put if off to the next day. "Oh, I'm tired and I only ordered 3 things so I'll do 3 extra reviews tomorrow". Nope. I refuse to go to sleep before doing the reviews I owe. It really keeps it from getting away from me. Also, if I'm at work and I haven't done my reviews, I'll do some on my breaks instead of farting around in the internet or playing a game.

It's so weird to me that this seems to be the consensus in this subreddit. I'm gold and I've only received legitimately 5 things that I thought were junk or weren't worth ordering out of the 500+ orders Ive received.

I actually take a photo of everything that I open. I also take another photo as I'm using the item. I always include at least one photo of not both. I ALSO always include a description of the item as well as the contents of the package. The item description is always the first sentence I give. For instance, "This item is set of five screwdrivers. The included contents are 5 individual screwdriver (3 Philips head and 2 flathead), a soft case, and a magnetizer/demagnetizer."