The whole, I last came to Paris when....I came to Sweden when....I'm like I went camping as a kid. 😂 She always finds a way to humble brag

I'm going to assume whenever Mommy is on the trip, mommy is definitely paying for everything.

Unless she has a hookup for free merch lol

Girl needs to stop cosplaying as someone who works/needs a job and just admit she's bankrolled and spoiled AF! The amount of money this trip would cost!?

The videos are getting worse, how is that possible? Also her decision to try to go for obscure references and be super creative is just such a bad choice! None of these shirts are worth purchasing

It's wild!!!! She almost makes me want to be unemployed and bank rolled by a parent! Lol the fact that she's whining about a job when she clearly doesn't have to have one is insane.

All of these videos are so cringe! The shirts are bad and the videos are making it worse if that was even possible. The acting...lex, girl.... WUT are you doing? Didn't Kristyne make her videos for the midnights collection? Those videos were well done even if the shirts were mid but these videos are definitely highlighting her awful acting. When she threw off the black gloves....I died a little.

Literally, she loves herself so much the amount of photos she posts is insane...

To be fair, she said fam and I think it was weirder for her sister to assume Cait wasn't included in 'fam' to begin with, since she's been involved in everything with brons family for years now.

Also, I do agree they do not seem to mesh well, I've never gotten a vibe that Bron is even into Cait, which is sad and honestly, hopefully not true since they're getting married. But I have always gotten the vibe that Cait is just so happy that Bron 'picked her' that she puts up with Bron no matter what. Who knows! Also, I forgot how annoying and into herself Bronwyn is on camera. she's insufferable. It's always felt like Cait is a good connection for bron at Disney and well, that surely worked out to be true!

I STILL use my OG chocolate bar regularly. I can't let it go, but I think I might soon for a ND glam palette. Hope I don't regret it!

With everything Disney has paid for Bron to do in her current role it wouldn't surprise me if they keep her permanently...for now.

And what the actual fuck is he going on about already? I swear he is soooo out of touch with reality.

This was true for me. I didn't know much of anything about the 6th floor just that it existed. I was wandering around 5th, turned a corner and saw her sitting on a suitcase. There was someone watching her and seemed to have been there a long time. We made eye contact and within a minute she reached her hand out to me. The dude camping was noooot thrilled lol. It was such a cool experience to literally run into it and not have a clue how special it would be.

Even worse, the name drop and tag of celebrities that she sends random messages to followed by the brag that they often write back is wild. Also, it's spelled Renee RAPP lol

Not Francis literally signing the back of the card like he's an actual celebrity 😭 🤣 The amount of people that give him attention for weird shit like this is exactly what he needs to stroke his ego and it's so gross

That's her ex gf Rachel ...the last one that she allegedly cheated on Messy messy messy!

What in the world are giana Beverly and uhm cat going on about on Twitter about mental health?? They are both popping off?

I've only been once - I too do not live close to NYC and had one shot. I wore my sneakers, and told myself to just follow the vibes. Which is exactly what I did. And I got a private 1/1 and several interactions without being pushy or rude. I ran so many flights of stairs I had to finally cut myself off from stairs. I went in with the general knowledge of how many floors and kind of what was on several of them...nothing more.

I would die to go back again. Tip would be to keep moving - but make sure to watch stuff unfold before just running off. I would also say do not intentionally pick a main character - because you will still stumble upon them. Be bold but not pushy or obnoxious.

Explore the sets - I could have done this the entire time - I tried to find a mix of doing so and following characters.


I went a few months back and had this happen to me. When I picked up the phone I was silent for several seconds, thinking I wasn't supposed to talk. I finally said hello, and someone on the phone said whatever you do, don't trust her and hung up on me. She then looked at me, held her hand out, I took it, and she pulled me into the alley in gallow green, running. She stops me, looks me dead in the eye, turns me around, and places my hand on my heart. She dropped my hand, and RAN.

She was gone so fast, and I never caught her again. I tried to go back during the second loop and follow her after this interaction and I couldn't even keep track of her!! I ended up losing her again later though a locked door in one of the shops. I never found Hecate or made it to green which again.

Bronwyn starting day 1 of 25 days of festive fits with those freaking dirty white sneakers has me gagging

That was wild to me...based on those orders she just had to share she could pay full price for a doctor's visit...and she's talking about doc martens and a new desk. Girlie is spiraling

I would talk to her about rings to get a better feel for why she wants it. I wanted a morganite and rose gold ring for my ering, Ive had it a little over two years and no regrets. It needs to be cleaned often to combat the cloudiness from oils and dirt the stone picks up, but a little hot water and fish soap is all you need to do to clean it.