They do that some time, got a village named 'Gaza' once

Wasteland Menace

Steal their fusion cores

Why can't I just get a new gun

Yep makes sense

GTAV and Superhot

How would that go?

Means the FND has finally logged you as the most fake Yaran there is, and the entire army is after you.

Any idea how to get up the mountain for the Long lost brother quest?

I've found the relative path but can never actually get up, it's driving me to insanity


He loves his box

Donate a modest supply of bugs? Greens will not be acceptable.


Castaway, because I acted like a dirty scumbag on multiplayer so I might as well look the part

Funny enough I now use the party skeleton skin mainly for reasons best unexplained

My friend quite literally builds non OSHA compliant staircases and or bridges to conquer any location

Had mine for over a year, and he just won't stay still to take photos!


(This is the only pic I've ever managed to snap of his face)

It pains me to say, but that cat is French.

:sean_macguire: Sean Macguire

You don't build a barn dumbass! What is this 1785?