They weren’t there officially. As we all know, their is a difference between official narrative and the truth

Lyndon Baines Johnson :L_Johnson:

Obama’s is already pretty high (and I might say a tad overrated, even though I still maintain he was a good President)

An American Idiot Abroad

Literally had to close my eyes for a second and take a look as I kept reading it as Opium Poll

If you think TikTok is Pro-Trump, you’ve never been on TikTok

This war has been going on for 70 years. Somehow I doubt it’s going to end in the next few months

Since no one’s going to read the article, the reason why the last meal was cancelled was some asshat ordered the most expensive, outrageously lavish meal he could think of and then refused to eat it. It’s not just Texas being Texas

Political Science

If you can find anything in my wallet worth taking, go for it. It’s literally $4, an American Eagle rewards card, and my Derek Jeter baseball card

Galactic Marines

The Empire is cheap and spent the money on two Death Stars instead of quality soldiers

It’s not really Spin’s fault. If you want to blame someone, blame asshole college kids

Galactic Republic

Does the whole sequel trilogy count?

Lyndon Baines Johnson :L_Johnson:

Someone said that cottage cheese was a trendy health food during his time as president so I guess that makes it less weird

Imagine building a wall and going “well, at least they can’t swim”

Don’t know why you’re being downvoted for something that is just true

It is interesting that he would go there. It’s difficult to see Biden going there or like the Green Party convention. You can’t win elections by only meeting with people who already agree with you

Casual, non-participatory KGB election observer :communist:

Washington came to loathe slavery as well, albeit towards the end of his life

I’m noticing the average age of the officers has gone up dramatically since I first started following this page (a year or so ago, maybe)

Lyndon Baines Johnson :L_Johnson:

I’m not sure: there was a massive contrast between Reagan and Carter. Bush was more a traditional Ford-esque Republican but the contrast between Bush and Carter just wasn’t as stark