Crinoids perhaps? Some of the best invertebrates are attached buddies!

Bb, you're a cluster of symptoms like how a cluster of cells is a tissue or a cluster of stars and stardust is a galaxy.

Yes, I worry about the physical inconvenience of my body.

It makes you uncomfortable. That's your problem to manage.

Those aren't good things. They're morally neutral things that, to be honest, are your job to do as a parent. They're the bare minimum of making sure your child thrives. The idea that the parent-child relationship is transactional is confusing to me as the dynamic is inherently unbalanced and I find the anecdotes equally confusing. is it expected to toss a child aside when they're sick? How else will they know how to care for themselves when they're sick as they get older if it isn't modeled to them by their caretakers?

We know more about child development and while many parents did the best that they could, that doesn't mean they didn't cause harm. Invalidating or denying that harm is invalidating or denying that child's experience.

It's ok to distance yourself from people who constantly invalidate you, even if they're you're parents.

Ok but, the feeling when you've got 3+ birds battling it out on Merlin is worth it.

I got 6 once đŸ„Č

I think you just subconsciously feel unsafe & that is making you check out.

This is worded so wonderfully it's making some things click for me. Thank you for your comment!

American eagle, still. I'm small (00 xshort in their sizing) and they're the only place I've found to be consistent. The pants hold up for years for me and I'm really rough on them!

Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. There's nothing baby you could have ever done to deserve experiencing trauma, and adult you is no different.

Take care of yourself.

One of my supervisors when I was a national park ranger said the same thing.

Good to know what you're working with 🙃.

Makes sense, I wonder if they're moving so fast my guy just wasn't worried about it 🙃😆

Receiving it is very similar to grabbing a door dash order with the extra step of having to sign their phone.

They text you when they're headed towards you & have a map to track + text when pulling up.

This is so human and was probably such a relief for the interviewer too!

Good luck! It sounds like you nailed the interview!

I've had luck with every pharmacy Ive called re:asking if something was in stock & getting an answer.

Last pharmacist let me know which specific dosages were on backorder & I was able to get my doc to change the Rx to make it easier to get!

Then ask me a question or give me a scenario, don't tell a story and expect me to respond in a very specific way. That seems childish.

Depending on your location, there are practices dedicated to doing ADHD or autism assessments!

I also often search for psychs who can make those types of diagnoses/work with neurodivergent individuals when looking for a new doctor.

I don't recall them needing a referral when scheduling my ADHD/autism assessment at the specialty practice, the wait was wild though.

I've never met someone who doesn't believe in dinosaurs and I desperately want to.

Not even to argue, I just want them to infodump. It's such a wild thing to not believe in.

Haha, no one is supposed to know anything that's in my brain save for me.

I was with my last partner for a long time and in that time we were able to understand the signals the other was putting out, even if they weren't able to.

We're both autistic and understand that individual needs can vary radically based on how you were raised or how your brain works, and were both ok with stepping in to help each other out with the small things that might have been overwhelming to us.

People getting shitty towards or at their partner about being hungry is shitty behavior, and it's unreasonable to expect anyone to deal with that sort of abuse.

That being said, life isn't as easy or sensical or logical for everyone, and some of us understand that deeply and are ok with being that helping hand.

Anyhow, sorry, to actually answer, I loved just being asked if I ate. It was so helpful. I love getting snacks and stuff, I would never expect that, but it feels sweet and loving to me.

Sometimes my ex would help encourage my eating, but again, these are helpful things that feel like love to me but you aren't required to do it.

You honestly aren't even required to be in relationship with someone like me.

This is assuming a lot of things in response to me in particular. I'm not super interested in defending actions that I don't take, so, is there a genuine question that you may have?

I don't die. I do live alone and it is difficult re:food, but I have other issues that make it more difficult for me. I'm very capable of being an adult as are many autistic individuals.

And no, I don't expect it, but that matters little. If someone is so angry about this part of me, why would I want to be around them?

Eg, in general, the way you're speaking to me is unkind, so even if you think that my eating issues are unreasonable, it's unlikely to matter since we are incompatible anyhow.

If it was that simple, I doubt it would be this common of an issue.

ADHD & autism (I'm sure along with other diagnoses) can make recognizing and understanding hunger signals near impossible. Sometimes they aren't there.

I struggle with eating. I don't expect anyone to take that struggle on for me, but a partner who understands and a little love go a long way to not making me feel like a failure as a human being.

I very much want to be able to feed myself well.

If that seems burdensome to you, it's simple enough to make that your boundary and choose to not be in relationship with people who struggle with this.