Genuinely thought the TV was going to explode

I listened to a podcast recently from a journalist who interviewed senior ranking military officials about nuclear war. She said "The people that manage to survive the initial nuclear blast will envy the people who didn't."

Raging fires, radiation poisoning, years of unliveable environment above ground, severely limited food and water....If nuclear war breaks out (roughly 30mins from the first fired nuke), I'm grabbing a beer, a chair, and sitting naked in my garden waiting for it all to happen.

I guess you could be overly wary of upcoming technology and avoid it in the short term. But you could also embrace it and make use of the phenomenal things that AI is going to enable us to do. Call me nieve but I'm sitting in the latter camp

This might be interesting but I have no idea what I'm looking at

Agreed. And dare I say it, shouldn't the word "because" be accepted? Because sometimes, it just makes sense.

You are right! That explains why I've been struggling with this sub since I found it recently. Download ftw!

If the aim is to get a house eventually (london or not) it could be worth looking into a LISA. You'd can invest in the same funds as your ISA, but with the added 25% top up from the government (max £1k).

Only do this if you are sure you want to buy a house - if not, the money will be locked away until you are 60, and the fine to withdraw it would put you at a loss!

Had to scroll too far to see this, I don't know why the increased house value isn't getting called out more. Plus the costs involved to buy and sell a house.

Also IMO, three years is not long enough to weather the ups and downs of the stock market. Seems like a risky choice to me

!thanks. That settles it for me... Going to steer well clear. Very useful website too

Legitimacy of tax preparation services for employed people

A friend of mine was talking to me about a tax preparation service she and her family have used. It sounds suspicious to me so I'm hoping you can help.

Her premise is that employed people are under the illusion that they should not complete a self assessment, where as in reality they should be, and could be entitled to large rebates.

Her family have used a company who specialise in "tax rebates and self assessment". Someone from the company had a discussion with each family member (all employed), asking them about how much they spend for lunch, or laundry, or travel etc. The company then complete the self assessment for them and manage to get them a rebate. Her family members have managed to get between £2k-£5k each, accumulated from previous years. The tax company obviously take a cut.

She is encouraging me to do it myself, but it screams suspicion. I claim my business mileage through expenses (as does my friend), lunch isn't an expense (right?) and laundry can't cost that much!

Is this legal? Are my suspicions justified or am I missing something?

Edit - removed company name so people don't think this is a sales tactic

This is what I've been looking for. I've never understood the difference between steam air fry and speedi doesn't look like there is one!

Times like this I really miss my free awards

Why? It's a post about a saxophone in a sub called r/saxophone

Shameless hijack of top comment...

OP is this your second car? I bought a second car and added it to my primary car policy as a sort of multi car deal. It came out as about a £40 one off charge for the remaining 6 months of my policy. Did you do something similar? If so, chances are that it is correct!

If it's any consolation I also have a P Mauriat tenor with a vintage finish. Had it about 5+ years, gigged with it a lot, and the same has happened to mine (if bit worse). I personally don't mind though, adds to the vintage effect!

Suprised this is so far down. Best quote 😅

They're most likely from the traveler/gypsy community

This is a great answer 👍

Getting a lot of 'kids aren't dogs' comments, which I fully appreciate. But let me add some context...

I have a toddler. Yes he can be a handfu, and our lives so completely revolve around him. But general routine is he goes to nursery during the week, comes home for a couple of hours then goes to bed. Weekends are time to go out and do things as a family. Eventually he'll go to school, college etc and become less dependant.

My sister has a dog and doesn't want kids. She has to find a job that allows her to work from home. She has to walk the dog during the day. She can't go out at night because she can't leave her dog. She sacrifices a lot, similar sacrifices to if she had a child. She loves her dog so much, calls it her baby, constantly shares pictures, is so proud of it, and gives off a real maternal vibe. I think if she were to have a child, she'd be a great mum and love her child even more. Please help me understand her perspective