Raining and FlyingSupport Wanted

I have two flights coming up in the next couple of days. I set it up so I wouldn’t fly on a Boeing. All four flights (departing and arriving; four flights due to connections) will be on Airbus aircrafts. However, it looks like it’ll be raining at the initial city and the final arrival city. I’m already a extremely anxious flyer, which is why I made sure I wasn’t flying Boeing. But now I’m in this position of rain and flying. Especially after reading what happened with Singaporean Airlines with the horrible turbulence (just a few days ago), I’m more on edge than ever. Can anyone please send me some words of encouragement and positive statistics? I absolutely hate that the thought of flying through rain/thunderstorm.

I seriously hate when people are like “deodorant has chemicals”, like if anything else that you use is 100% healthy or organic. I can’t stand the smell of body odor on myself or anything else. He needs to use an anti-bacterial bar soap and a deodorant.

Stinky Cat Food in Fridge General

Anyone else have a solutions on how to store the big cans of wet food in the fridge? We put a plastic lid on the can, but it still stinks up the whole fridge.

Our cat hates the taste of day-old food, so we toss the food on his bowl out. But then the garbage can smells like hell, which then stinks up our whole flat (open concept loft).

Any advice on stinky food?

Cat Sitting in Litterbox

I feel like l'm posting so often ever since my cat's first urinary blockage...

Our cat had his PU surgery on March 15th. He had 2 follow up appointments after the surgery and everything was mostly good. He did get his kidneys tested because he lost a little over a kilo in just 3 weeks (7 kilos on the day of the blockage and 5.7 kilos on the 3-week follow up appointment after his PU surgery) . But he has gone up in weight since that test (5.85 kilos). He is eating well, drinking well, playing a lot, taking all the sun baths. But today after I took I shower I noticed that he was just casually sitting in his litter box.

I pspsps at him and he got out of the litter box and went on as if everything was normal. He is currently taking a sun bath. He had his breakfast as usual (he didn't want to eat at all when he had his previous blockages). He lets me touch and pet him (he didn't want to be touched that much in his previous blockages).

Should I be worried?

Cat Sitting in Litter BoxLitterbox

I feel like I’m posting so often ever since my cat’s first urinary blockage…

Our cat had his PU surgery on March 15th. He had 2 follow up appointments after the surgery and everything was mostly good. He did get his kidneys tested because he lost a little over a kilo in just 3 weeks (7 kilos on the day of the blockage and 5.7 kilos on the 3-week follow up appointment after his PU surgery) . But he has gone up in weight since that test (5.85 kilos). He is eating well, drinking well, playing a lot, taking all the sun baths. But today after I took I shower I noticed that he was just casually sitting in his litter box.

I pspsps at him and he got out of the litter box and went on as if everything was normal. He is currently taking a sun bath. He had his breakfast as usual (he didn’t want to eat at all when he had his previous blockages). He lets me touch and pet him (he didn’t want to be touched that much in his previous blockages).

Should I be worried?

thank you so much!! no one has been able to tell me anything in closed to what you said.

Hungry cat, but not eatingGeneral

Update: even though I just posted this an hour ago I have an update. I ended up closing him, myself, and his food bowl of wet food in the bedroom and he gave in and ate 70% of his food. He then went out of the bedroom and ate a little bit of the dry food. Small steps, but it made me feel so much better.

Our cat had the PU Surgery about a month ago. Recovery was tough, but we are over that hurdle. We took him to the vet last week because I had a question regarding his stitches and that’s when the vet noticed that he had lost 1.5 Kilos since his first blockage (which was 1.5 months ago). He tested him for kidney failure but the test didn’t detect anything. But the doctor did warn us that the test only detects if the kidney is at 60% failure. Our cat is still very playful, cuddly, is running around everywhere. He doesn’t physically look sick. He isn’t vomiting or have bloody stool/urine. He is also not lethargic. He is simply just not wanting to eat. We had to switch his diet from all dry food to all wet food. However, the vet said that if he is not eating his wet food that often, to switch to dry urinary wet food. So we did, but he didn’t like it. I switched it back to wet food and he just smells it, and that’s it. He is eating treats, but not actual food. I can tell he is hungry because he starts to meow and scratch the door where all the cat things are (like his food). Since the vet visit, my brain is just hyper fixated on his actions. Should I worry about kidney failure? How do I get him to like his new diet?

Depressed Cat? PU Surgery Post-Op

2.5 year old cat, male & neutered, domestic shorthair, 7kgs.

Our cat had a blockage a few weeks ago. Once he came home after a 3-day stay at the vet (catheter and infusion), he re-blocked again and we went ahead with the PU surgery.

It’s been almost 2 weeks since the surgery, and it’s been a though post-op. We have isolated our cat into one of our bedrooms. He has access to a litter box (doctor recommend wood-pallet litter), a human-size bed, his bowl of water and bowl of food. He was doing great the first week of recovery, but I’ve noticed that he is so desperate to leave the room. I feel horrible because I know how much he wants to spend time with us in the rest of the house.

He hates his new litter (wood pallet), so he has peed all over the bed and blankets. He only uses the litter box for pooping. He doesn’t really like his new diet and he barely eats it. He has lost some weight since the diet started. Lately he just seems so low energy and sad. I accidentally left his door open and he went to the rest of the house and felt a little better. So I kept him out just for a few hours.

My concern is, is what is happening to him normal?

We went to a one-week post-op visit and the vet said he looked healthy and everything was good. I just have anxiety of things going from bad to worse because of how quickly things went with the blockage.

this is to the people who are visiting Germany: please keep in mind that the country is going through a lot of train strikes, where trains are not running at all (in some parts of the country). please budget a car rental if needed!

Any PU Surgery Success Stories?Sensitive/Seeking Support

Hi everyone. Our 2 1/2 cat had a urinary blockage and was in the hospital for 3 days. The blockage was caused by inflammation, and fortunately he did not have any kidney stones or urine crystals. After all his blood work came back to normal, they removed his catheter and was able to pee by himself. They did warn us that he didn’t eat much the last day he was in the hospital, and told us to bring him back if he didn’t eat at all the next day. He came home with us last night but he didn’t eat dinner. Unfortunately, our other cat and traveling almost 2 hours by train really stressed him out. We gave him his medication this morning, but he didn’t eat breakfast. I would bring his food bowl up to his mouth every few hours, but he didn’t take any interest. We called the vet and were able to have an appointment just a few hours ago.

Apparently he had another blockage. Luckily, his blood levels were within range and they were able to empty out his bladder. The vet recommend the PU Surgery, but if I’m being honest I’m being very hesitant due to my own personal fear of surgeries.

I would really appreciate any positive (but also realistic) feedback regarding the PU Surgery.

I would also like to note that he is a healthy cat in general. We have never had any health problems with him before.

HAHAHAHA absolutely agree, how can I feel bad for someone who spends more than she has

why is Arielle sharing that she only has $63 in her account? It doesn’t come off as relatable, if anything it just shows how irresponsible she is with her money

I don’t like country music, but if it’s Beyoncé country music then I’m listening to it!!


I can’t get myself to unfollow because I like her other content, but I definitely muted her posts