These responses are so extreme. You’re young enough where you took a week off to go to camp, so the first thing I’d do is ask the advice of your parents. Have them listen to the voicemails and read the emails. They may have some good advice for you.

You can call HR on Monday and report what happened to you. They may not do anything or care but they should know. Ask what their severance policy is and let them know you’ll be filing for unemployment benefits - assuming you qualify. Google if your state offers part time unemployment insurance benefits (mine does, but it’s going to vary by state). This costs the company money, so it’s a way to get back at them.

If you can find a new job, do so. These people sound highly dysfunctional and not worth your time. Good luck with the job search!

r/MCGGreek might have more people that relate to this.

I always thought it was just bad spacing. Like they put the last one too close the middle and not close enough to the edge to balance it out.

This will depend on the state. And most schools offer a health insurance plan that they auto enroll you in. Some schools you have to prove you have other insurance in order to waive the fee for the school’s insurance plan.


I’ve talked to 50 people this summer about how they got their internships at a variety of companies in a variety of fields. Theater, fashion, finance, communication, sports marketing, computer science… All but one got their internship through networking or a connection.

I cannot express enough how important it is to use your college years to develop your social skills and meet people and make connections in addition to learning and growing as much as you can. That can be through clubs or activities or volunteering, anything that gets you meeting people you’d never meet otherwise. Don’t waste the opportunity of being in an engineered interesting and diverse student body by only studying. Sure, grades are important if you’re going to grad school but social skills are important as well.

Edit: changed a word

Unless it’s relevant to the work you’re seeking or you need something to fill out the resume, it’s best to leave it off the resume and put on your LinkedIn page under volunteer work primarily because you should use every inch of that one page to show your work experience. Volunteer work is nice, but not what’s going to get you the job.

If you do add it, it is probably best to say: Volunteer work including: Alumni Advisor to Alpha Beta Gamma sorority; Other volunteer gig; Other volunteer gig.

Imagine if nobody studied humanities. Who would be there to write, teach, lead communications, run social services, political branches, make policy… There are a ton of humanities jobs out there. Just study what you want to do for the rest of your life and don’t worry that you’re not studying something that’s soon to be an oversaturated STEM field.

And seriously if by everyone you mean people who post on Reddit, maybe expand your world a little bit.

Sorority hazing these days definitely tends to live on more strongly in local sororities over national ones. When posts come up in the r/sororities sub the first question asked is if it’s a national org or not. The budgets and costs to run national sororities these days is way too high not to have adults paying close attention to. When a group of 200 students is handling a $1m budget (including house costs) you know there are eyes all over them, so people have to be on good behavior more and more.

It’s also fallen out of favor a bit with this generation as people are more open to different looks and body types but also there was never really a point to it. It didn’t bond girls in pledge classes closer together, it only created a power structure between them and the older members.

Sorority hazing is almost always about humiliation like body shaming or other verbal belittling. Or it’s forcing girls to do things that please the boys as sorority social life is heavily dictated by what fraternities they can mix with. They can’t throw or host their own events due to no alcohol rules, so making sure they have those connections is overly important. It’s kind of a fucked up dynamic, and it’s kind of surprising things haven’t evolved all that much over the years.

Most people don’t even declare a major until the end of the first year. Take a breath and know you have time to change direction. When you get to school take advantage of the advisory services they offer and make friends with career services. All the adults there can help direct you and help you find what’s best for you to study.

A friend mine added a second minor after a conversation with a professor who pointed out she was 3/4 of the way there. Consider minoring in things not related to your major so it opens future possibilities for you.

This is good advice. I’ll go a step further and say have a sit down with him and tell him that you need to put buying the house on hold and that you need to start separating your finances. That he’s clearly not ready to be married and you don’t want to rush him. So for now you’re going to work on unentangling your assets until he knows for sure what he wants.

And then if he still hasn’t figured it out in a year, it’ll be easier to break up with him as you’ve already separated your things from each other.

Reach out to admissions and see if they can connect you to a current student.

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Block him immediately if you haven’t already. It’s not your fault men are creeps, but cut off the attention where you can - like blocking on social media. Tell your grandparents that the 27 year old is being creepy and inappropriate with you. Tell them you don’t feel safe and ask them to keep an eye out and to help you by a buffer between you and him.

Lastly if he talks to you just practice saying, ‘you’re a creep, stop talking to me.’ And walk away.

The little sister back-channeled a yes after getting a no. It’s like when one parent says no, so you go ask the other one, and now the parents are pitted against each other. The mom should respect the older sisters no and backtrack her yes.

Thanks for the invite! Unfortunately we’re not available this weekend. Enjoy your time on the boat!

Question though: does your husband ever want to go? Because if he does, it’s ok for him to go solo once in a while. It is his childhood friend and maybe this invite is more about the men staying connected than you as a couple?


They feel bad that they made assumptions about you and are trying to show that they are not a total asshole by being overly nice to you.

How’s if they were genuinely a nice person in the first place they wouldn’t have made assumptions about your language abilities or talked shit about you. Basically they feel rightfully guilty for their actions and are overcompensating for their rude and unacceptable behavior.

You can call the spa and ask how they recommend you handle tips in your situation. I’m sure they get people who book multiple services all the time.

Trusted Adviser

Have you watched Sex Education on Netflix yet? You might find some camaraderie with one of the characters as this is one of her major plot lines.

But seriously, you’re young, it’s not a life long issue, so don’t stress about it too much. The only thing you can do is work through the treatment process.

Upon arrival and meeting them, “Let’s have a roommate meeting so we can all share our expectations for living together.”

You can’t dictate terms but you can allow everyone to be heard and you can express how you’d like things to be. The rest is compromise.

This reminds me of when I interviewed at TED early on for a contract gig. They had me in 3 times only to tell me I convinced them so throughly of the importance of UX they decided they wanted to create a full time role and pursue someone more senior.

I’d tell the recruiter you’d be happy to re-present one of your presentations if it’s for a new group of folks, but by now the company should have all the information they need to make a decision about hiring you.

Try the city of Syracuse sub, probably stuff going on downtown.

Here are some good starter articles for you to understand more about Greek life and how to rush.

Should you rush? Yes. You’ll never know if it’s something you see yourself in unless you give it a try!

Just get the abortion and tell him after the fact that unfortunately you weren’t able to carry the baby. The doctors say you’re going to be ok though.

Don’t fuck up your life for some 16 year old dude’s religious beliefs.

The invitation comes, you respond saying you accept and please don’t change your menu for me, but I wanted to let you know in advance that I don’t eat red meat. All other food is good. Thanks for understanding.