I deliberately don't use them. I wish there was a little more narrative mechanic behind them and not just "you'll feel bad because it's a soul"

Dude had a lot of great recoveries. He goes for a move with an audience member and they don't get the memo and try something different, but he was able to flow into whatever thing audience member was doing.

Certainly staged, but who cares? Still cool as hell.

I think it was a mistake making the dlc as traditionally difficult as other from soft dlc after making the original game so accessible to more casual players. Tons of people who loved Elden Ring and only became interested because it was easier are losing interest because this dlc caters more towards the long time fans.

I'm calling Iron Man "I Broke the Phone Man" from now on

The fact that it having a story mode is almost a secret bothers me. I didn't look anything up and just played it thinking it was your standard sandbox game, before I tried to look up some stuff for it and found how to access the story.

Falling to your death does kinda suck, but I've gotten really used to using gravity to speed through levels as well as save myself from dumb falls. I usually play about an hour to 1.5 a night and can finish three dungeons and a Dalgarian in that time.

Double check the spawn book. There's a tab that allows you to switch to stuff in your home. I thought I lost a crystal and found it in this tab just messing around. I also found like 8 beheading swords that had been dropped by the tutorial enemies.

There's also a house tab in the book, so you can quickly spawn anything you might have sitting around in your home, including crystals you may have lost or weapons dropped by any enemies that were on your home map at any point.

They should do this with the ground punch. Every time I go for it, even at natural jump height, I take fall damage. If I'm even slightly higher than natural jump, I can nearly one shot myself with it.

I just want to throw bouncing shields around and finish with an epic hero landing, dammit.

Definitely play it with a controller. I think you can use mouse and keyboard but it was designed for a controller. Try not to look anything up. There are some puzzles and fights that can be really hard your first time, but when you discover the trick to a puzzle or the strategy to a tough fight, it's one of the most satisfying feelings in gaming. Just remember that if something feels way too difficult, there's probably something you're missing. Either a piece of equipment that could help ease a battle or maybe some back tracking in a puzzle.

Best of luck and I hope you enjoy this as much as the people in this subreddit seem to.

Look up turn based games, especially roguelikes. They tend to be card based which usually means they aren't very taxing on systems, but even the ones that aren't card based are pretty low specs with a few exceptions for games that are either poorly optimized or go supremely extra on their special effects.

Slay the Spire has already been suggested and I heavily second that.

It's absolutely astonishing to me that this was my first thought as well.

StS is transcendental, I swear.

He's just playing a character, guys. It's all for the bit. /s

I actually agree with this take. Demons Souls took the monster Hunter formula, removed the monsters and applied it to a dark world, then re-added the monsters in the form of bosses.

The only real difference to me is that the souls games lean more into exploration and adventure than monster Hunter does, but that's not to say I didn't enjoy exploring in MH before I discovered all of the places on each of the maps.

It really is just two versions of the same blueprint.

I still think D2 is the peak of Diablo, but I actually really enjoyed D3 after it got updates and seasonal events. When D2R came out, I got to try D2 with friends for real for the first time and it was some of the best experience I've had with Diablo.

I still think D3 gets unnecessary hate, but I also believe D2 is better. I don't even really include D4. I liked the campaign, once, and then just never felt like playing it again. Still kinda bitter about it.

It's amazing how "Chinese finger trap" has left people's minds when encountering something like this and instead we immediately think of the razor trap in Saw 2.

It took me a lot longer than I expected to encounter this. Zombie is what we called it growing up in New England.

He feels so good otherwise, though. I really liked the increased projectile speed. The ult is just pointless, though. If it were to stay in that state, it would need to have Tracer ult charge speed or even better really. It feels more like a cooldown than an ult. Ashe Dynamite with extra steps.

What does DB have in World other than evading?

Genuinely curious, I know it has the counter Silkbind in Rise, but what am I missing?

Oh, that's right. I don't play savage axe so I forget it's even a thing.

That's the thing, is most people saying EW is a crutch also say HB3 and DB3-5 are crutches. Anything that increases your safety is a crutch because it makes the game "easier" for bad players.

Every single one of my dual blades and SwAxe builds runs all three of these. My other weapons run at least HB3 and DB3-5 and sometimes random points of EW if I have space.

Evade window mandatory on CB? Just guard point, it's significantly better and creates openings for follow-ups. Evade Window is better on weapons that don't already have good defensive options, like Dual Blades or SwAxe.

Maybe it's not hitreg, but those are still problems that are a direct result from weak development, the same way bad hitreg is. Regardless, my problem is really just that every weapon is wildly outclassed by snipers. Fastest TTK, usable at any range, not that much harder to use than similar weapons. It's made me not want to play, since no matter what I unlock, nothing will ever compete with it, which is also a problem for the developers. What incentive do people have to use new weapons when we know what the clear best weapon in the game is already?

I don't want to use those weapons, but as soon as I encounter someone else using them, I either have to swap to it and get into an ego battle, hope someone else swaps and takes the ego battle or have a ruined experience because one guy popped off with a sniper and controlled the entire lobby.

I used marksman rifles from day one and love the svd, but the hit registration problems seem to occur far often with them for some reason, and snipers are still just better. I want them effectively removed and nerfed to the point of actually being bad.

Any time people try to say shotguns should be buffed, it puts a pit in people's stomachs because shotguns killing you in one shot is a bad experience, but asking for nerfs to the sniper for the same reason is met with "get good" or "then use one yourself".