Word saw that you used the term “ultimate separator” in your document and has decided to help you by inserting one. Have a Vanilla Coke and just accept it. 

Also make sure you swing out into the lane next to you when you turn, because apparently you think your Prado is the same length as a double decker bus. 

Kathmandu puffer jacket VS North Face puffer jacket. 

When you top one and it bounces along the fairway it’s mandatory to say “Nice putt”. 

That’s interesting, thanks for the answer. I hope you don’t think I was having a go at your list, it just jumped out to me and I wondered what other authors you liked. I love McCarthy and am also drawn to that style of writing, which I think lends itself well to US history. 

I think when you are from a country it’s good to read from that canon, I’m the same with Australian authors. 

I’m going to have to read some Coetzee now!

You’re right, it’s very rude of people to say how nice Tasmania is and what a naturally beautiful island it is. We should stop that. 

The media also won’t waste much time in blaming him for not fixing all the issues the Tories created. Trust me, we are two years ahead in this process  in Australia and Murdoch’s rags are all over our PM and government. 

I didn’t ask them if they’ve read anything else, I asked them if they liked anything from other countries. It was a genuine question because I wondered what type of books from other countries they might like if they are so enamoured with US writers. 

 I’m not critical of US literature, I’m critical of the current state of politics there (like other countries, including my own) and specifically about the US’s history in terms of foreign policy.   

Tell me, would you have said it was a shitty comment if they had listed only Irish authors and I asked if they liked anything not from Ireland? Or Australian? Or Kenyan? Or South Korean? Or Japanese? Or Colombian?  Or if it was a thread about the greatest bands and they only listed bands from one country (or genre, or city, or time period) if they liked any not from that group?  

Anyway, that’s about all the explanation you get considering your rudeness. You have a nice day. 

The scene at 28 seconds was the most realistic until boom, half the peloton fired up rocket boost and took that shit off road. 

Was it definitely Australian? Because around that time the british show Bo’ Selecta did lots of skits about Craig David. 

Ever noticed how it’s the dumb fucking bogans who post this racist shit because they are losers who hate themselves?

My issue is that having the brother there took away from the original Fak. He was funny, but in seasons 1&2 he was also someone with a bit of character development and a really good supportive friend. In season 3 he became a parody. 

Not sure about the rest of the world but in Australia we tend not to call it a recorder player. Unless you’re talking about a grade 3 kid who is actually playing the recorder. But we’d usually just call that a bloody racket. 

Any chance there will be a video game based on it? 

Hannah Montana: The Movie Video Game Novelisation Movie Video Game:  Based on the novel Push, By Sapphire. 

Remember when he called on the second amendment people to come after Hilary? 

 ““If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”” https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/10/us/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton.html

They don’t switch lanes they just tailgate you until you switch lanes. 

This could be the greatest case of false advertising since my suit against the makers of the Neverending Story 2. 

Guess you’re not very good at finding things on the internet. And you are childishly calling people names. Tough day for you!