kids adapt easily.

i moved to canada when i was 4, started kindergarten six months later and was fluent in english by the end of school year.

your kids will also speak fluent norwegian after a year of consistent interaction in the language.

no but if OP losses his greek citizenship due to refusing to serve in the military he will have to leave the EU unless he finds other sponsorship and that could be bad. this is why i’m urging him to ensure he’s exempt of he is aboard.

your visiting a farm, you know the people, their old/distant family friends. if your bad at lying and coming up with things on the spot then you will have problems.

No, i know an older case where an austrian-canadian dual citizen had his austrian citizenship revoked because he didn’t want to do his mandatory service.

i am NOT talking about other nations conscripting non citizens. i am talking about ensuring that greece will not conscript citizens residing in other european nations on the right to abode of the greek passport. Historically it has happened that people abroad are conscripted for the military of the country of their citizenship. This is why i say i’m unsure of current laws- because i do not know if they still conscript citizens living abroad, especially within the EU/EEA.

Regarding social assistance and health care programmes: even as a citizen you are often not eligible untill you are also a resident of that country for X amount of time.

Draft wise ensure that your still exempt if you reside in another european country. i’m unsure if current laws.

Step one: find a visa your eligible for! a visa is your singular most important thing right now. Step Two: Get said visa. no visa and you won’t move.

the next things are to learn the language of where you go to, and to actually go there and start a new life.

14 years ago my family moved a household of item internationally with a shipping container. We purchased a 6meter (20foot) one then shipped it from switzerland to canada. you can also rent shipping containers but you are limited to how much time you have to load and unload them.

alternatively you can sell almost everything you own and take a couple suitcases with you. you can take more than 2-3 even on some airlines as long as you pay.

i am fully aware of the the circumstances of her disappearance. foul play was very very likely involved. my point is that canadian wilderness is vast so it is no wonder that she, like many other people where not found for years.

have you ever traversed untouched wilderness outside the lower mainland?

Does your small town (c. 20k people) have tent camps? probably not. it’s to be expected in large cities.

While foul play was very likley involved in her death (and i’m not looking to argue that) our wilderness is vast and it’s super easy to get lost in. So many people go missing in the woods and are never found (or found decades later) because of how vast they are.

i feel that the people who don’t understand how someone can just go missing in the wilderness have never actually experienced it (like proper off trail exploring in largely remote areas).

Make a mandatory health sciences class in grades 11 or 12 where you teach a first aid course compleate with a red cross certificate. include CPR and Naloxone training.

this makes a well rounded course into little taught areas.

tent cities like what there is in america and canada don’t exist in large parts of europe.

my family spent several years hosting various guests (not wwoofing, just extended connections), and i always liked people who arrived in the afternoon. it gave some time to set people up into their lodging, work a couple hours, then properly meet over dinner. Any time of day works it’s just been my experience that afternoon is a nice time to arrive.

it’s improved since the horror stories of 2021-2022, you will get your passport in a month or so max, not 5 months.

Put ALL your textiles (clothing, packing cubes and anything else that’s semi dryer safe) through an hour long dryer cycle on high heat. clean every crevice of your backpack, your toiletries bag and everything else. do this when you leave your accommodation. Do the same to the clothing your wearing- store in a clean plastic bag untill ready to be placed in a dryer.

how practical is the daypack’s opening for actual use? it seems a little of an odd shape.

Explain to them in advance if your stay is likely over that time you’d experience pain that you will need to do nothing because of the excruciating pain your in, for those 2 days- but that’s it’s a somewhat predictable thing.

For three months including what i was wearing i took 8 pairs of underwear and 5 socks (4 short, 1 long), and four bras, plus two undershirts for when the weather gets a little more chilly.

i would reduce it to 5 underwear, 4 socks, probably 2-3 bras weather depending.

talk about it with hosts and offer to bring some of your own food (eg. gluten free flour, gluten free pasta, a milk replacement). If your transparent about your dietary restrictions hosts are prepared and can deconstruct meals into parts you can eat.

Most trans people/trans identifying people i know are on anti-antiety/anti-depressants and do greatly struggle with mental health. Based upon this demographic the providers want to ensure that all their patients are getting mental care. Unfortunately this means it’s assumed that everyone needs mental care. I do think a psych evaluation is a good thing, and i do respect the provider for wanting one done.

as for pap smears/std screening for a hysto it makes sense because your having surgery done on those organs. While it may seem unfair to have the assumption made that you must be sexually active it’s an assumption that must be made. they definitely could be more considerate about asking your personal history.