ja maar migratie ofzo

Geert is meestal vrij direct als persoon

I wonder why voting for the party that was created by fascists makes people think you're racist.

the left party is a few percentages down from Le pen, how do you explain that?

shh that doesn't make as good a story

far right being the largest means that they're the absolute majority right?

*all the supe terrorists you saw being fine were fine

I don't think Json keys are ordered at all

how exactly is it better? you know except it being worse in every way?

I completely agree with you, but I think simulation games could be an exception. The genre of games that try to realistically simulate the real world would benefit from realistic lighting. It's actually crazy how much lighting affects our perception of something looking realistic.

what do you mean it's written in go so the unreadable code is now magically readable.

/uj his rust code sucks I have absolutely no idea what it's supposed to do and I am not spending time to find that out. If you have trouble writing a function in a certain way, rethink the entire thing.

I think they meant the indexing, not the actual addition. I doubt a loop this large would be automatically unrolled

why would that matter? the difference is in the indexing

I feel that way with Without You on let's dance, it's just there

where are the replace men with dildos memes then?

definitely disagree, there should be documentation explaining the idea behind the chosen solution and the assumptions made while creating it. It's infinitely faster to read a 2 page document than to skim through the entire code.

das de "normale" melk denk ik

holy shit this has got to be the most reddit response I've ever gotten

I understand you're trying to bring some nuance in, but you are basically completely rephrasing what the poster I replied to said.

They literally said "male monarchs typically had to fight in the wars they had started". So yes, they did claim that. I am asking them to back up that claim.

There being monarchs killed in action does not mean that male monarchs HAD to fight in their wars. This does not answer my question.

considering humans have had kingdoms for well over a few millenia before the 1400's, I wouldn't really agree with the "quickly" part.