Sadly pretty common for young kids to have a long run; often months; of mild sickness until their immune system develops. Really common in kids that attend daycare and large families as viruses are so contagious and difficult to stop the spread in that age group even with rigorous hygiene practices. 

I stopped following when I saw she follows Candice Owens. 

HF’s “the more beaver the better” regarding his hat is the wholesome smut I live for! 

Well most people have a few friends, regardless of how INSUFFERABLE you find them. 

I’m gonna need to see a poll on this as many, many, many contenders in blogsnark history! 

To be somewhat fair, walking or atypical pneumonia is different than actual pneumonia. It usually has mild symptoms; many won’t even know they have it; usually resolves on its own, develops slowly and has a low contagious rate. You can have a cough that leads you to seek medical review requiring treatment but otherwise feel ok. Links for supplements are a total suck, hard agree! 

Not comfortable but perhaps considerate to let them know! I know I sure would appreciate it. 

Liz from Pure Joy Home shared she washes her two bras twice a year then Chelsea from Two Twenty One shared washing them every 3-4 wears. Obviously a big gap but Im not sure if I’m mind blown or appalled, is this a thing?  I live in a hot climate and change/wash them daily, 2nd daily at most! 

Essentially Erin ditching dotera and now revealing her big tease; a waterless skin care healing miracle line that she and a small group have signed up for to help us all. I have never seen her share so much “evidence”. MLM nurse for life . 

In fairness they are expecting a top of 44 degrees Celsius. Aussie here, that is hot, combined with flies, miserable. 

Common vs recommend?  Lots of barriers to obtaining tret such as needing a prescription and cost. 

Yep, dreaming of an internet strangers final moments then getting mad because that isn’t happening and he’s surrounded by family who obviously adore him, creepy AF. 

Yea nothing worse then having multiple autoimmune diseases! How annoying… and also not unique but an actual thing. 


Coeliac is not gluten intolerance but an autoimmune disease that cannot be brought on eating gluten free…. I would consult Dr Google again!  Edit: adding not and correcting spelling 🤓

Not for minute is she leaving influencing, she’s just adding more Jesus. 

That’s not how coeliac works. Any gluten ingested, even a trace, triggers an autoimmune response causing obvious or silent issues to many areas of the body. Processed foods that are GF are fine. Processed covers a lot of ground from a tin of tuna to chips. 

Not a Dr, should have stopped there. 

This!! Tapping into her parents account as part of the BF snark is bad enough but wow, “snarking” on how people deal with end of life is invasive.

You know, it’s ok to share end of life in what ever way helps you and those around you, normalising this is a big cultural step for most of us because it causes massive discomfort. It would be helpful to let them run this palliative time their way, which really, we all seem to say is ok, until there are photos and stories which are deemed invasive and undignified. How about we sit in some discomfort, take a break from what is essentially grief and death policing which is truly invasive.

Online personality change is 100% accurate! I stopped following during her “exploring options” phase during COVID but I see she’s in her sourdough era.

While I immensely dislike the spelling police, I do love a good bonefire. So hygge!

Or just eat and enjoy an apple without overthinking every bloody thing!

It’s a thing and pretty yummy and easy to throw together

He’s not a pet! Can we please stop the narrative that people with palliative health diagnoses can’t make their own decisions about when and how their time will look.