I’m just here to thank you for starting this conversation- I love seeing people have strong feelings about the ideas presented in this game! And everyone has their own reasoning and want to discuss all sides- many intelligent and thoughtful comments, I really enjoyed reading them

I always carry a sword or long knife, a shotgun, and a gun (44 revolver this time) with some distance- I am also paranoid and carry 300 rounds MINIMUM for each gun! My first play through I got to level 85 with only melee weapons

Why were you looking for me? And don’t call me funny!

On TT this woman said a random guy just followed her all over the store, then got really close to her- she turned around to tell him to step off and he told her to smile. She said “I don’t see anything to smile about”so of course he called her an f-ing bitch - so she started barking at him, getting louder and more shrill the more he backed up. She said “call me a bitch, I’ll act like one” - LOVE IT

This is probably a one off, but I was assigned to take a scribe to Gunners Plaza and those mf’s nuked him like three times in three reloads! First time I ever lost a scribe in TWELVE play throughs and I finally had to give up- Proctor just sighed and offered me another one

I enjoy helping the Railroad, it’s basically volunteers helping in the best way they know how to save one or two people at a time from literal slavery. The mind wiping allows them to live more normal lives without the angst and fear of the synths in Far Harbor (think Sturges). Besides, what memories do they want to keep? Being threatened with destruction every day of their lives? Endless drudgery? I find the willingness of people to risk their lives for others with no reward other than knowing they did the right thing very noble. Same reason I like the Minutemen

The Stand, both the long and abbreviated versions 6x, The Shining 6+x, Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass (more than 30x), Lord of the Rings Trilogy 4x, lots more. Reading was my LIFE before my adorable ADHD granddaughter moved in 7yrs ago- since then, maybe 3 books total?

Emotional “dumpers” - omg, I am sympathetic and offer educated advice when asked, but it turns into people being obsessed with telling me EVERYTHING and not making a move without asking me what to do! I understand that many people have no emotional support, are insecure and terrified of the world but DAMN. It’s taken me years to peel some people off because I don’t have it in me to be cruel so I avoid them to the point of ghosting, which makes me feel like the bad guy, but I have a life full of problems too

178 Stimpacks atm, plus a standard amount of 10 purified water, 3 Med X, and 3 Psychobuff. I HATE dying, I absolutely refuse- my last play through I made it to level 85 and died only twice

Thank you for saying so! I also like to sit with my husband and “back seat drive” while he (59) plays- I really liked Cyberpunk, RDR 2, ALL the AC games, and GTA. (Can’t get into COD, seems repetitive and the other players are mostly jerks) One of my grandkids came to live with me and I taught her to play Skyrim at 3yo. She’s 9 now and jumps on my characters to play all my games (on her own she’s a Minecraft kid 🤗)

Well, on a personal note I treat NPC’s like they’re real in all my games which helps with immersion and puts more value on my decisions and actions, so that makes it matter. On an objective level I like to keep my settlements at 85% happiness and above as a personal challenge and losing settlers damages that score

Never smoked but I chew cinnamon Nicotine gum like a maniac - with Diet Coke of course

It’s a random generation, and I thought it was funny!

I had a late start- 46! My new boyfriend (now husband) was playing Oblivion and I decided to impress him by creating a character while he was out of town- 4 days later I was level 20 and hooked! Then Skyrim, F3-4-NV-76, AC Valhalla, Outer Worlds, Starfield- but I always come back to F4. Cookies AND muffins ❤️

I just play on normal difficulty, man! (I’m a 63 yo grandma, I can’t take too much excitement 🤗)

He looked exactly like my dad from when I was a kid- GROSS

I usually give each settlement a minimum of 130-150 defense in turrets alone, and rarely go back to help unless I need to go there anyway- nobody has died as far as I can tell in my last 10-11 play throughs

The Railroad is doing a great job for having to completely communicate through drop boxes- everyone seems to think they have walkies or something! And the BOS are fanatical, just like the Institute- fanaticism inevitably leads to cruelty and violence. And I suggest that everyone should take the time to watch the new synths being created inside the Institute- it’s fascinating and makes it very clear that they are using human cells to make their parts. Synths are just tougher humans with a plastic piece in their heads

Mashed potatoes with cheese and corn in them- I tried them for the first time at the Bellagio Hotel buffet and they blew my mind! Now I make them at home like this

THIS 🔼 and I’m sorry to admit, Dumb and Dumber had me crying and choking from laughter in the theater

Coffee- I have to hold my breath walking past a Starbucks because it smells like burnt hair- I make any friends or family take their coffee outside to the back porch if they show up with it

Typewriters and desk fans- I will drop valuable weapons and armor to carry them!