20 Pride Flags As My Cats!!! I'm Super "Proud" of How it Turned Out!! Meow!!
  • Aromatic, Agender, Demi-romantic

  • Asexual, Demisexual

  • Bisexual

  • Drag

  • Trans-Inclusive Gay Men

  • Genderfluid

  • Genderqueer

  • Lesbian

  • Pansexual

  • Polysexual

  • Traditional/ Progress

  • Transgender

  • Polyamory

  • Pride of Africa, Queer People of Color, Two-Spirit

  • Nonbinary


Do they make those that don’t look like pacifiers?

How do I tell the difference between simply being developmentally delayed to the mannerisms etc of a 11-12ish year old bc autism from being age regressed or a little? Cross posting here because joining the other group message directed me here. Discussion
How do I tell the difference between simply being developmentally delayed to the mannerisms etc of a 11-12ish year old bc autism from being age regressed or a little?Discussion

I am a CSA survivor and grew up in a very unsteady home setting in and out of care due to mom’s BPD. Though after moving across the country to be with my birth dad and reconnecting with him while spending a good couple years focused on my mental health I can proudly say that I’ve been in remission from PTSD for about two years now. :) when I was with the foster parents I aged out with they maintained that despite my age I seemed much more like a 12 year old than a 15/16/17 year old and thought I acted closer to 8 when I first ended up with them at 15. But I never really “matured” past 12ish even at almost 27. I have learned age appropriate emotional regulation though a lot of therapy but in so many other ways it’s still as if I’m 12ish and due to my baby face even kids tend to think I’m 12/13. So was reading a fanfic and now I’m really confused about age regression is and if I’m just autistic or could be regressing/ed. I’ve done a few hours of research on google but am still quite confused on what exactly a little is and how to know if I’m just autistic with no cognitive delay but with socioemotinal delay or if being stuck in many ways as somehow being 12ish and also my age in other areas at the same time. It’s not anything I’m doing on purpose or want to do. In a lot of ways I wish that I could just catch up to my age but that just doesn’t seem to happen and it seems out of my control. My baby brother is 12 years younger than I am I’m 26 he’s currently 15 (11 years mathematical difference right now because he just had a birthday and mine is next month) and I remember when he was 11 being very sad that I could tell that he was developing past me and try as I might to not let it happen he was “leaving me behind”. So is there any way to tell if I’m delayed and it I may never “catch up” or if I’m regressed and may be able to “catch up” or if there’s a combination of things going on? And if any of y’all could explain to me what exactly a little is because google is just confusing me. Thank you!

There’s this one but it’s not for the feint of heart because it includes topics of sexual abuse major character death and DID so it’s up to you if you’re interested but Izuku does eat some villains in this one. https://archiveofourown.org/works/37730875/chapters/94198255

You’ll have to read to about midway before he eats the villains but it does happen and if you’re cool with that then you’d likely be able to handle the other difficult topics in the fic. The major character death though is really tragic though and the follow up fic is unfinished and is left on a terrible clif hanger so be warned. I found the fic because cat quirk meow cute and it was darker than expected and I’d never reread it but it was good if you can stomach the abuse stuff etc.

How do I tell the difference between simply being developmentally delayed to the mannerisms etc of a 11-12ish year old bc autism from being age regressed or a little?Discussion

I am a CSA survivor and grew up in a very unsteady home setting in and out of care due to mom’s BPD. Though after moving across the country to be with my birth dad and reconnecting with him while spending a good couple years focused on my mental health I can proudly say that I’ve been in remission from PTSD for about two years now. :) when I was with the foster parents I aged out with they maintained that despite my age I seemed much more like a 12 year old than a 15/16/17 year old and thought I acted closer to 8 when I first ended up with them at 15. But I never really “matured” past 12ish even at almost 27. I have learned age appropriate emotional regulation though a lot of therapy but in so many other ways it’s still as if I’m 12ish and due to my baby face even kids tend to think I’m 12/13. So was reading a fanfic and now I’m really confused about age regression is and if I’m just autistic or could be regressing/ed. I’ve done a few hours of research on google but am still quite confused on what exactly a little is and how to know if I’m just autistic with no cognitive delay but with socioemotinal delay or if being stuck in many ways as somehow being 12ish and also my age in other areas at the same time. It’s not anything I’m doing on purpose or want to do. In a lot of ways I wish that I could just catch up to my age but that just doesn’t seem to happen and it seems out of my control. My baby brother is 12 years younger than I am I’m 26 he’s currently 15 (11 years mathematical difference right now because he just had a birthday and mine is next month) and I remember when he was 11 being very sad that I could tell that he was developing past me and try as I might to not let it happen he was “leaving me behind”. So is there any way to tell if I’m delayed and it I may never “catch up” or if I’m regressed and may be able to “catch up” or if there’s a combination of things going on? And if any of y’all could explain to me what exactly a little is because google is just confusing me. Thank you!

Handles can be useful I require them to hold my backpack on my chair and when my dad helps push me they also help hold the backrest in place. In my individual case I am quite handy with many tools and could permanently remove the handles if I so chose. Though I can’t speak for anyone else about their skill level. What I meant that my handles aren’t removable was that they are the type that are secured on in one position permanently and are not adjustable. They do make chairs where the handles are removable, are able to be folded down or to the side etc. but I don’t have that kind of chair. Also long term wheelchairs cost $2500 or more and a $2500 chair is cheap mine was over $3000 so permanent change is something I presume few of us would feel comfortable with.

However I do appreciate the willingness to help but I do agree that you did miss the point a tad. But I’m counting on that your heart was in the right place just perhaps worded clumsily.


People did approach me but I’d been determined to handle it myself I had only been in the chair a year and a half at the time and these days I’d be more open to letting my classmates step in and would put up with it for as long as I did.

Yeah and the thing is as a disabled person I know a lot of disabled people from support groups we just kinda jive because it’s hard for non disabled people to get it and I have a few friends who I let touch my wheelchair but not move me because they’re genuinely not capable of comprehending what they’re doing in one case and the other it’s their way of showing affection because any other form of physical contact as much as they desire it is too much for sensory reasons for them so we’ve discussed it and they have blanket permission. It’s the intent that really matters. It’s not okay to do but I expose ignorance what I do not excuse is rudeness or disrespect.

People did approach me but I’d been determined to handle it myself I had only been in the chair a year and a half at the time and the days I’d be more open to letting my classmates step in and would put up with it for as long as I did.

If we were in middle school I wouldn’t have hit him because I’d end up getting suspended and he might get away with it because wheelchair educate isn’t protected by the middle school rule book etc. a student in my 7th grade class was getting kicked around in a circle of bullies and got suspended too when she fought her way free to safety. Male the school protested but “zero tolerance bla bla bla”

I think he heard me telling other students that I could handle it. But I do agree he should have asked.

Yeah it sucks when people make rude assumptions. I found personalizing and decorating my chai helped. It’s silly but it actually make a difference for me. People see it’s personalized and assume it’s more long term or something

My dad helps me get around if it’s been a long day. That is an epic idea though.

He seemed to have finally learned his lesson and I didn’t want to deal with it anymore.