My tolerance to alcohol increased on this medication

The same happened to me. My tolerance to cannabis edibles is through the roof now too and I always had a super low tolerance

No, no change in weight or appetite

Not at all. I feel so much better since starting Pristiq last year. My anxiety is under control. I'm always smiling and laughing...

I manage them by having 2 alarms on my phone, so I don't forget to take my pill....

Same. There are no consequences and the kids know it. It's a joke

That's not necessarily true for sexual harassment. If a colleague tells me I have nice tits for instance, that is sexual harassment. It doesn't need to be repeated behavior. I've seen people fired for less (not school board employees).Op states that she is uncomfortable. I can't see her having to confront this person in this case

This can be considered sexual harassment, I seriously doubt that this applies in these types of cases

Wouldn't advances be considered sexual harassment? I have a really hard time believing that the union would ask her to speak to him about it.....

I'm on Pristiq. It doesn't help my sciatica pain

Same. I was briefly in the military. I nearly died cause of the bugs during my basic training final exercise. I know for sure I wouldn't last

I don't know if your symptoms are stress related or not, but just an FYI acid reflux can give you a sensation like you have a ball in your throat. It's called a globus sensation. It's also possible to have acid reflux and not know and Pristiq does increase stomach acid

This medication has insane withdrawal symptoms. My advice to you, go back to your doctor and tell him/her to prescribe something else. I wish someone would have warned me. I would have never started

It takes a couple of months for you to feel the effects of this medication. It's no wearing off. Just give it time

I was at 50 mg for 2 or 3 months when I asked for a dose increase. I probably took a month or two after that before I really started to feel a difference

I'm at 100mg and it has really helped my anxiety. I was a nervous wreck before I started Pristiq. It did take several months to start working though

Withdrawals from Pristiq can last 6 weeks

That's way too early. It can take several months to feel the benefits

Pristiq has been really good for my anxiety. However, are you aware about the withdrawals? This medication is notorious for its withdrawals. If I miss a dose I'm violently ill by the next morning. It's so bad that I don't know how I will ever get off this medication. If there's literally anything out there that could work for you, I would take that instead

If they pry further they're being rude. I. Would tell them that you're not going to share your private medical information with them