Pretty? No. Functional? Sort of. Just don’t go left out the door. They could use better railing.

It extends inside the thing! How can someone do this and not think it’s mental illness. I’ve never obsessed over anything or anyone in my life to consider doing something like this.

You have toppings edge to edge which is my thing. I’ve never been a crust person for pizza. I would eat this no problem. It does look more like a pasta bake or something but I think that’s just because you’re missing crust.

I’m guessing it’s just to get to the location as quick as possible. The truck has regular tires too that it can extend down to act like a regular fire truck.

I also assume there are fire hydrants in the tunnel they just probably look more like a pipe.

I run yen’s single shout build. I was able to reach pit 100 before getting to masterwork 8 on all my gear. It’s a solid build.

  1. Invest in failing companies.

  2. Stock price goes down because they’re failing.

  3. Fraud!

No clue. I figure they kept them human to make it more realistic. It definitely was a plot device/armor in the comic because the boys would get wiped out right away without it.

Yup. Calories in calories out. Exercising just increases the calories out but a lot of people use it as an excuse to eat more. A professor was able to lose weight eating only what he could buy at a gas station to prove it’s not just what we eat but how much.

Sugar is bad but when people are getting 500+ calories alone from a Starbucks coffee, that’s 1/3rd their daily needed calories from just a drink.

It is sad seeing a great actor or actress at the end of their career. It means you’ll never get more movies from them. Yes we can enjoy the movies they were in but it’s a tough reality that they’ll be gone soon. Should I have been happy that Sean Connery was showing he was too old to act anymore? That’s twisted.

Most likely a subtle way of saying people that own these refrigerators fuck.

Is that chair in the far background 5’ tall? Not the kids chairs. If you laid it on its back it would be the length of the paver.

Not everything has to be a perfect 10 to like it. I see this now with ratings of movies and video games. You can still like something even if it isn’t the greatest ever. Enjoyment isn’t black and white, love or hate. You can enjoy something for what it is. It doesn’t even have to be your favorite movie ever to enjoy it.

This movie showed Connery’s age sadly. Every action scene, even just moving behind something, was obviously a stunt double. It’s understandable being his age at the time but it was a realization to me that his career was near its end. He was the main draw for the movie though.

She just admitted she likes to be toxic. Listen to her and run.

I’m not sure I see an issue here. You can get condoms at a grocery store. They’re a commonly used product by people that aren’t on Reddit. It’s not the best to put them on a list for a product add but if anything it’s still normal.

Plain concrete pavers are typically the cheapest you can buy. If these were slate or some type of stone I would understand, but not plain concrete. My first house had a slate patio and the concrete contractor I hired to do a walkway offered to take them for free. I told them no as I planned on reusing them.

OP said it’s apples sauce.

The historymen are one of the cooler lore items they’ve added to the Mad Max universe in my opinion. People dedicated to history that they tattoo it on their body and share their knowledge. Immortan Joe had a woman history person teaching his wives too.

Because it’s not just sugar. American portion sizes are absurd. Going out to a restaurant now is more than an entire days worth of calories in one meal. People do that and still eat two other meals. Then we complain if the portion sizes aren’t large enough. We have no perspective on the correct amount of food we should be eating. If you had someone cut their diet to 1600 calories to lose weight they’d think you were joking.

With prices going up your mortgage wouldn’t change. Just the property taxes. My house is worth double what it was 5 years ago. It’s my best investment ever and my mortgage is less than rent in my city. I’m not sure I understand your father in laws logic. He just reduced the growth of your net worth considerably.

Do your parents not track the value of their homes? I guess I’m lucky my parents check to see their home value to estimate their net worth. They see how ridiculous home prices are.

So we’re just showing porn clips now?

Ignoring the weird boards, that’s a huge deck.