I am wondering what communication was like with your child's kinder teacher throughout the year. I liked the teacher but I often felt out of the loop. Whether it was the schools fault or the teachers, I don't know. I guess time will tell with future grades. We often found out about school wide events or theme days just days before, sometimes the day of. But I guess it would still be on the teacher to keep us in the loop for their specific classroom. We got a general kinder "newsletter" (one sheet of paper) once a month that went to all classrooms, but there was still missing info like times, dates, etc. Once school ended, I realized that if I hadn't of been able to make the class parties or field day, I would've never really talked to the teacher, in person or online. (And most parents didn't come to those at our school, like 4 parents in the class showed up). There were no general parent conferences or class emails sent out. Only a couple messages through the communication app the school used but that was just about needing class snacks or tissues. I had asked about my child just twice the whole year and the concern was brushed off like "oh they're fine". Which, cool, but how am I to know when nothing goes out?

Then the year ended and...that was it. Felt very weird haha. There was no final progress report or class message from the teacher. Nothing. I realized we hadn't gotten anything for over a month (from the actual teacher) at that point. What was your experience? Is this the norm??