Lots of people are saying local co-ops and butchers, but, like, I need Cheerios and milk and TP and stuff. People in this thread acting like 90% of my groceries are veggies. Not saying we don't need some, but my local farmers market doesn't home-grow Pepsi.

First playthrough I felt like that. Second playthrough is BIG BONK BUILD and I'm trying new shit

From the parent company that churns out Spider-Man villain fanfiction movies for meme money

The company is part of the journey, though

Chrome is owned by a company whose biggest revenue stream is ads.

Firefox is funded primarily by Google as well.

"Where is it?"
"Probably within 20s of travel"

I guessed it would work like forging for equipment, but apparently there's just no system that uses it at all?

(Also an excellent proof of the wadsworth constant - the main article/discussion doesn't begin until 30-35% of the way in)

Casually admitting that you're going to get sent flying

Tbh our family only fucks with big sets and BrickHeadz
For big sets I would have made a much bigger OoT deku tree with some of the dungeon elements visible from the back, the Clock Tower from MM, and maybe a huge Skyloft

Our excuse is our toddler. Not enough energy or not enough grandma babysitting availability to do movies.

Increase the droprate for helping by 10-20x and add blue SI tokens to the heart shop

To be fair, if you did AFK more, and just puddled up some materials and only levelled up each day, you'd see a return to all that stuff you mentioned. It seems like you want to push each day, though. If you don't have time, then just collect your shit and come back the next day.

Cinematics as a sign-in bonus is something...

"These characters in this lengthy cinematic seem fun. That might be a decent campaign."
5v5 shooter
Is it possible to get whiplash from a trailer?

Boy, that will sure hamper his job opportunities!
...not as president of the entire fucking country, though. I know it was an unlikely case to put down in writing way back when, US, but the next best time is now.

Made the businesses more local

Doing it on my current run. Gathered  the Siofra River violin guy just this morning.

Dumbest Disney Princess is Capt Marvel.

Could have and should have blasted Dar-Benn, who doesn't have any super powers and is perfectly vulnerable to being exploded. The only thing you shouldn't do is blast directly at a single wrist gauntlet. And, knowing that, you could use that knowledge to juice up Kamala's gauntlet. Or take a stab at reigniting a sun and avoid the entire conflict, and save several worlds.