Christian Anarchist

Lol, what planet were you on? The talks were about universal vaccine mandates. I work for a company who does zero government contract work, and yet we were asked to reveal our vaccination status to our employer "to comply with pending federal mandates".

I think liberals inherently trust government officials but not cops, and conservatives generally do the reverse. So since this was government officials making claims (which we know know were not based in science) , liberals 'educated' themselves into buying the corporate line hook, line, and sinker.

:lib: - Lib-Center

In not saying I agree. I'm pointing out that the headline is untrue.

Stop trying to put words into my mouth

:lib: - Lib-Center

Obama also showed classified documents to his ghost writer. No one asks other presidents to give back their boxes.

I really hate having to defend the man over this. He did so many bad things, why is this the cross we're trying to pin him to?

:lib: - Lib-Center

every president takes top secret papers home, and every president keeps them. Obama did it, Bush Jr did it, Clinton did it.

either call them all out or call none of them out.

When the Biden campaign literally said that they were going to pick a black woman as a running mate before selecting Kamala, that is in fact the definition of a DEI hire.

Now, being a DEI hire doesn't mean you're not competent. It simply means you got an unfair advantage given to you over the other applicants under the presumption that this is justified based on historical disadvantages given to people of a similar ethnicity.

For example, my co-worker is an asian woman working as an engineer. She's also a DEI hire. She still does good work. Her being a DEI hire doesn't stop her from contributing her fair share to the workload.

Being a DEI hire doesn't make you bad at your job, it doesn't even mean that there was someone else better. It just means that you were given an unfair advantage over others.

Process (Chemical) Engineer - Consulting

hey, if you find the dream one, stay

Christian Anarchist

the single thing which caused the most vaccine hesitancy among people was the vaccine mandates. Many people got suspicious that a quickly developed vaccine was being forced on them. Others still are just stubborn asses who would have gotten the vaccine to protect themselves, but now that you're telling them to, they don't want to.

it's called the entrenching bias. The more you tell someone they're wrong, the harder they stand their ground and fight. And this is amplified when you tell someone (especially someone suspicious of the government) that they are required to do something.

So, if our shared goal is to increase the number of people who are wearing masks and taking vaccines, we need to do less to force them, and more to educate them.

Process (Chemical) Engineer - Consulting

there's looking like a job hopper and there's finding a better job. No one will begrudge you looking for a better job. And finding a new one every 3-5 years is entirely reasonable.

However, if you do start with another company, you do need to stick it out at least 6 months if at all possible. Leaving a month after you started is a good way to never work with any of those people again.

Process (Chemical) Engineer - Consulting

How bad do you really wanna work for a company that low balled you?

It might not be that they lowballed you, but that their industry simply isn't as profitable.

Not all engineers are the same. Even within a discipline. A sparky doing commercial vs residential vs industrial vs utility work will get paid different in each industry. Just because someone offers you more doesn't mean the other guy was lowballing you, it might mean that you're just worth more to the other guy (or they're going to expect more of you).

That being said, some will be lowballing you.

Long as you didn't like not show up on day 1 instead of professionally rescinding your acceptance ahead of time.

You're 100% correct. A professionally worded email sent as soon as you know (preferably with at least a week notice before your start date) saying that you regret to inform them that you won't be taking the position is going to smooth over a lot. You probably won't be able to re-apply to them 6 months later, but it won't be a relationship ending choice.

If you simply don't show up on day 1, you not only will be unable to get a job at that company, but everyone in your supervisory chain who knew you were going to be hired will no longer hire you, even if they go somewhere else.

If you do start the job though, you need to stick it out at least 6 months. If you leave before then, that's gonna make you look super flaky to not only your boss and your bosses boss, but all your coworkers too.

you have an entire sense (balance) dedicated to determining where down is at every possible moment.

You do not have said sense for left/right

winston is a hard counter for sombra. counter dive when you can. swap if you cannot. if you happen on a low HP winston, start with virus (in case he jumps away) and don't bother hacking. Bait out his jump before TLing away.

:lib: - Lib-Center

Doesn't that seem like a breeding ground for trying to throw your political enemies in prison as soon as they get out of office?

Yeah! Then politicians would be scared to act for fear that they get sued after. We wouldn't want that!

:lib: - Lib-Center

Something something “if the courts or legislature can criminally prosecute a President for acts committed in an official capacity, it violates the tenets of separation of powers and can unduly limit his executive authority”

no, this is expressly the separation of powers and system of checks and balances which the constitution set up.

:lib: - Lib-Center

Isn't this just a nothing burger? Like do we really want a world where you can sue your politicians for the policies you don't like?

This wouldn't have stopped Trump from being found guilty on those tax fraud charges. That's private action. This is literally just saying "if the president says to send troops somewhere, you can't sue him later once he's not president". If you could, then no president would ever do anything because it could always bite them in the ass.

Actually, nevermind. I like that idea. New rule: every government official and employee is liable for their actions in office after they leave office. Let's light this candle!


hey, I'm one of those 90%. I enjoyed the game, I put my 200-400 hours into it, and then I moved on. I still follow the galactic conquest recaps on youtube, and I'm sure I'll jump back on in a few months for a bit, but I have limited gaming time, and I prefer to explore new titles rather than old ones.

But to OP's point, the game was never intended to be this big. They'll have to adapt to lower player numbers in terms of balancing the conquest map, but I'd be shocked if the game disappears anytime soon. They did amazing for what they were expecting.

this is true. However, in my experience working with corporations (which is my day job as a consulting engineer), some new guy gets added to the corporate side of the team last minute and wants to put his own thumb print on the project, so he insists in a bunch of needless changes.

Not saying this is that, but balance of probabilities? It's probably that.


I can confidently say, having backed multiple things on kickstarter and worked with a couple people who ran their own projects through kickstarter, there is no way in hell anyone is changing any artwork this late in the game. That stuff will have been finished and sent out in Q1 to be able to have even considered hitting fulfilment in October, much less August/September.

Also, I've seen people post photos on the fb group who got to play the sample copies of the X-Men box because one of the creators showed up to their tournament with their box, so they would be backtracking 6+ months if they wanted to change the art. I mean, you have the art on the front and back of the trifold, you have the art on the insert, you have 6 unique cards for each hero that will have artwork, and then the mythic and sculpt. That's 11 drawings for each character. Add on the box art for the battle chest and the deadpool art that's 100 drawings. No way you 'just' change the art last minute. Plus manufacturing is well under way, so they'd have to go back to getting samples, critiquing them, going through marvel again, and then approving them before sending them back to the printers.

Last time they had Marvel Dice Throne at GenCon it did really well.

I actually heard that Season 1 and 2 sold out first, and that people were walking away, preferring to order those online rather than buy Marvel.

Not that it means they didn't sell any, just that the fantasy content seems better.

I mean, on one hand it's good that they want to hold their products up to a higher standard. On the other hand it's frustrating when they're nit picking things that won't matter and just slows you down.

As others point out, LLM's don't know what they're saying. They don't even really understand the concept of truth. They just attempt to predict what words a human would say in response to a prompt. Since humans lie and overestimate their abilities, so do LLM's.

As to the question about CGPT's self-moderation features, this is far easier than assessing accuracy of information. All you have to do for that is train a second instance of that LLM to learn what inappropriate speech looks like (I'm sure they have plenty of samples of that they can pull from the web ROFL). Then if that LLM evaluates that output as too close to inappropriate comments, it replaces that with the CGPT equivalent of "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that"

This is why that feature appears to have a bias. Because the sample data pulled from online is going to have bias.

no. I was at a tournament recently and spoke face to face with someone who would be aware.

gotta get quick at rotating that shield to where the hack is coming from. As a sombra main and brig enjoyer, the brigs I eat alive are the ones who I can get the hack off against. Then boop us away and disengage. You're job isn't to sombra, it's to destroy her element of surprise and help someone else do it.

I love playing both sombra and brig, but this sombra is stupid. Why do you think brig is next to the widow? Because she knows you're gonna make that widow's life hell if you can. Brig is doing her job. Switch off or go harass the tank, then the whole team will roll the both of them.