Who knows where wack jobs will show up these days.

Not really. It’s a tool that’s used when needed. Hopefully it’s never needed but one day it could be.

Hasn’t really. Almost all police forces have had these for a years now. Pretty common actually.

This is for the county not just a town.

Hm. Content not available. Just like a Packers win against the 49ers! (Please don’t bring up the Bears playoffs just let me have this one)

We once had a locator clear a ticket without marking the brand new gas main. The culvert contractor hit it and the gas company tried blaming the culvert guys. The new main wasn’t shown on the plans because it was installed just before the culvert work, The new gas main was actually installed too high as well and wasn’t in compliance with their permit or what our firm approved! It was a mess. The gas company didn’t want me taking pictures and also argued with my elevation shots. What a mess!

Yeah I’m not taking fashion advice from Gen Z.

Your Virginia Creeper is built different down there! Lol what kind of honeysuckle vine is it?

It also spreads into natural areas and destroys native plants

You get Darwin Award and you get a Darwin Award! Everyone gets a Darwin Award!

Even in the animal kingdom do juveniles eat their parents food when they can eat their own that’s right in front of them.

Different climates, different aggression/destructive rate

Mullein. It’s non native to the US. In some parts of the US it’s considered invasive.