You go to one of the safest countries on most parameters and just choose to complain? Maybe you should take a look on your own attitude 

Because you are obviously basing your opinion on objective facts...

"Danes drive like they have a death wish most of the time"

And yet have half the fatalities og both Greece and Italy, you can always go there instead 


Just kidding, maybe contender for worst system ever

Nej, men så kommer man vel heller ikke ind at sidde 

Once obliterated his army and sent my army after the last archer unit that had fled halfway across the map and I accidentally left the yellow circle and immediately "lost the battle", instant rage quit, stupid system, why does the Baron not lose when he leaves 

Use the ceremonial landmark/stone if you want to preserve the trees (also free)

Oh really? It's implied that when you say "I'm going to bed" you are actually going to sleep as well? I feel so enlightened. Thank you so much. That totally fixes the joke in the above post 

There are differing opinions and then there are just wrong opinions like this post 

Head cannon?

Muricans playing medieval games lol

Also every town and village can't do everything in a fief/state/nation, otherwise trading would be pointless 

It's unimmersive to have a town that can't do anything at a whim? I guess global trading is a hoax 

Makes sense, but I also like the ability to micromanage the needs of my production and be able to pull families on and off certain production types if need more builders or more of a product for a short time. Fx my forager who will most likely be a new random family every year. It will punish one play style and reward the other but with the drawback of less flexibility of your workforce which can be harsh early game

Wouldn't giving him a gift for Father's Day imply him being a present father and performing parenting duties?

For the sake of being a present father for his child, he should seriously consider work that does not involve that many days away, preferably a normal 9-5 job. There must be something where his skillset and/or driving a truck is applicable. If he is not willing to consider that, he is not ready to be a father (maybe explains his "don't get me anything for father's day" comment