“The survey found that an average medium Big Mac meal has risen in price from $5.69 in 2014 to $9.72 in 2024” https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/food/2024/05/30/mcdonalds-president-big-mac-price/73910321007/

A good bowl of ramen or Pho starts at like $10.99 or higher, pot stickers would be like $2-4 and a drink would be $3-4. This is a $20ish meal here.

The article states a Big Mac meal is $15 in Seattle, which is closer to $20, but then the meal pictured here is also probably more expensive in Seattle.

Been using artlist for 3+ years. Pretty happy with their selection, plus sfx, now stock footage, and templates.

As others have said, that’s a low shutter count. Most cameras are expected to hit at least 300k before a shutter fails, and usually go much longer.

Asking if 6,000 is a lot is like asking if a used car with only 6,000 miles is worth it. That’s like 6 months of driving for some and cars usually see problems around the 100k mark. Extrapolate that to a camera.

Best instance was KL opening for ADTR. They’d been up there since the first opener and were very upset when it got real wild for KL.

The worst is the guy protecting his girlfriend right at the front and when it starts to get crazy, he gets all upset at those around him for pushing and squeezing them against the stage or gate.

First metal show?

Komodo | Premiere | 2008 | Dallas

Top comment nails exactly the process and how easy it is (or even pointless) to do it yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/cinematography/s/Jkj4PgH17Y

So the Dallas show? I went and it was amazing. It did have a few things going for it too, last gig on the tour and essentially a home-coming show as they’re basically from the area.

The also said it’s the biggest venue and crowd they’d ever played. Was def a wild place one.

Komodo | Premiere | 2008 | Dallas

As an alternative, my “spec work” were short films and music videos.

Great way to cut your teeth, show you can handle producing, directing, accomplishing a project and vision, and in cases of music videos, work with a client and their input.

As a related question for anyone who can help, does anyone with good client work still do spec projects? I’ve got some concepts I’d love to do, but don’t want the spec work littered among my actual client work that looks like lying.

Was trying to find something about the new restaurant via google, and looks like Ramyun is not the same as ramen. Ramyun is a similar dish but Korean.

Isn’t he like a world famous detective. The southern draw, charisma, and mannerisms are disarming, but he’s never portrayed as being anything but smart.

I mean, really depends how nice/strict you wanna be about it.

I’ve had this a couple times, granted 30-45 min late for an hour senior session. I told them I was booked for the hour, so we’ll do what we we can with the time left and I ended up going over by 15ish minutes. They understood and did the best job I could in the remaining time.

If you need an out, also say it’s based on the lighting and after 7:30 the lighting is terrible and not worth shooting in.

If I need good level haze and there’s a budget, I rent one. Like $60-100/day.

I have a cheap Halloween fog machine ($30) from Amazon that works surprisingly well and just fill it with haze fluid. You’re not going to fill a gym with it, but a moderately sized room is fine (20’x20’).

You’re assessment as to the cause is spot on. You probably plugged the monitor into v mount rather than powering it itself. This can fry the hdmi port due to some surge or something. Happened to me on a shoot too.

There is no fix, other than sending it to BM for a fix which costs a few hundred dollars and takes weeks.

Those 2nd generation kids then obviously didn’t pass Spanish onto their kids and I didn’t grow up speaking any Spanish, yet made fun of for not being “real Mexican” and were collectively called “no sabo” kids.

Can’t win! And just like in the Selena Movie, "Being Mexican American is tough. Anglos jump all over you if you don't speak English perfectly, and Mexicans jump all over you if you don't speak Spanish perfectly. We got to be twice as perfect as anybody else. We got to prove to the Mexicans how Mexican we are and we have to prove to the Americans how American we are. We got to be more Mexican than the Mexicans and more American than the Americans, both at the same time. It's exhausting! Man, Nobody knows how tough it is to be Mexican American."

Think about it. An 80% discount means you’re working 5 days for the price of 1.

So if you book 3-4 days of work in that same time period, you’d have made the same.

If it were me, I could reduce my rate a tad (5-10%) for 3 weeks of work, but not 80%.

Komodo | Premiere | 2008 | Dallas

And high ISO, with maybe a slow shutter speed. Seems to be a bit of motion blur.

And only 1 cross point! That’s the only one that was really reliable.

I only have experience with Yongnuo speed lights and I’ve purchased 4 of them, with only 1 still working.

They’re fragile AF! I have 4 mainly because 3 broke due to just small knocks or falling from desk height. They work great when they’re working, but are 1/4 the price of first party for a reason.

That being said, I like the previous comment, I do suggest godox. I use their strobes and LED fixtures, and they’re great.


Same. I’ve had Sunday’s show approved on the family calendar for months!

Same experience as well. I have a regular client covering big events and started shooting with them in my decade old 6d. Paid for itself hand over fist but already hit 300k shutters and I was worried it’d die any moment.

Picked up the r6 mkii and it’s amazing. The first shoot for this client, in the corner of my eye, a woman jumped and clicked her heels, I whipped around, focus was snappy and I got the shot. That day I saw that photo used in every outlets press release for the event. 6d could have never done that.


Oh idk if you’re wrong.

I saw them once roughly 20 years ago and are my favorite band ever. About 8 years ago they started doing one-off shows in Michigan and I flew from Texas to see them again at a metal festival in Michigan. Totally worth it.

And Bear vs Shark is named after Michigan, the state looks kinda like a bear fighting a shark.

They used to give a free hoodie to the first person in the audience who knew what their name was from.

What are you trying to capture and why do you need an ND? People gardening is very broad.

Unless I’m trying to blur motion (water, clouds, etc) I’ve never needed an ND when just shooting people outdoors. Shutter speed usually cranks fast enough, with aperture wide open and ISO at 100.

Now if you do need one, figure out where your settings are currently and where you need them to be and count the difference in stops. Maybe add a couple more stops if you’re starting at 100 iso for flexibility.

They do make variable ND filters, though most have a color cast (can correct in editing) and the good ones are not cheap.

This is correct. I went to a business conference with lawyers explaining a what holds up as a contract and it doesn’t need to be a big legal document with signatures. The value having a document is explicitly stating what’s involved and extra clauses.

“A legally enforceable contract requires the following elements, all of which are discussed in more detail below.

  • An Offer (I’ll mow your lawn this Saturday if you pay me $40)
  • An Acceptance (You’ve got a deal)
  • Mutual Consideration (the value received and given – the money and the lawn mowed)”
