Dude needs to turn in his man card.

"Won't someone protect the children!!" has come full circle...

preggo is pronounced like eggo waffle
prego is pronounced like "praygo" (with an Italian 'r' of course)

Monkey in Space

Nonsense is one thing. Mumbles is a whole other level.

I'd rather have mumbling than nonsense, because mumbling can still make sense

I don't think the number of crazy people changes over the years. Unless you're talking lead paint effect, I guess

Bill Burr's always had insight, but this is another level

It's what makes a video great, imo. You can just relish in the insanity of humanity

Yeah, I remember the same sort of thing when my father shaved his beard and mustache. I was a bit older, though, so it was more like "ugh, Dad."

Monkey in Space

Isn't the government of Mexico pretty much governing at the behest of the cartel?

"Lemme just take a little hop left before I REALLY hop left"

Raise the budget of prosecutors and financial investigators. Let's root them all out

Trump said in his rambling speech today that he could go to any business owner in New York and find they've falsified business records, too.

If that's so, we should be prosecuting them, too. Not that we should be letting them continue to commit crimes.

All of these criminals need to spend their days inside prison walls.