So sorry. It’s very hard to lose a pet.

I’m glad it worked out. At least I was single.

He didn’t fake an injury, then forget which leg it was. He also didn’t play dress-up like the clown above. He submitted his financial information upon accepting the office of President. Otherwise, any asshat can be guilty of a conflict of interest.

We’ll skip the part about paying a hooker with campaign funds, blackmailing another country to interfere in the election and inciting a riot to interfere with the election.

There are dozens more trump-ups, but the GOP ignores the fact that he’s conned them to embarrassment.

It is VERY weird. Tell him you have a boyfriend and you are not interested. Preferably with a friend as witness.

A bow-shaped shower curtain rod might help a little…if you don’t have shoulders.

I liked living in New Hampshire, but it was only a few years. Wouldn’t live in Florida, again. Washington and South Dakota I would consider. Apologies for not knowing much about Wyoming.

He just came out of one of those in-depth convos about the war.

Just tell him you really don’t like it. If he doesn’t listen, then tell him you find using pliers on his genitals very sexy.

He did run away from an interview with that big bully, Leslie Stahl.

“Preggers” is the left coast term. I don’t like it, personally.

Just say, “The legal bills don’t exist,” and see how that works out for you.

Yes. There have been a couple of times a girl was trying to get me drunk. I only realized the next day.

You could go online and review the various investments plans. Some are titled Large Cap, Small Cap, Communications, etc., It’ll show the performance of the stock over the last ten years, one year, three months. You simply look at those that have the best return on investment (ROI) during the time period. You’ll want to choose the plan that has the best ROI for a long time, like 10-20 years. Stocks can be risky. Whichever plan(s) you choose, read up on its expected future. I’d definitely invest in more than one, in case one doesn’t do well.

Don’t let the decision intimidate you. It’s not all that hard.

Sure! Pick on one with cute, flailing, short legs. Big reach advantage.

Convince them to go thru the Star On Machine, but it’s really a goose-sized Head’s Off Machine. The conveyer belt should lead to the back of your plastic-lined pick up bed. /dr.s