Hello there! You have likely arrived at this thread by clicking through from one of my miniature posts.

This post acts as a directory to prior submissions of my homebrew Astrakhan Dynasty on /r/Necrontyr, in reverse chronological order. Alternatively, you can view all of these posts at my Instagram. Most of my posts have little custom lore snippets associated with them as well. Enjoy!

Monolith and video link

Triarch Stalkers and video link

Tomb Blades and video link

C'tan Shard of the Void Dragon and video link

Doomsday Ark (Lesser Lord Nebukat)


Triarch Praetorians

Illuminor Szeras

Ophydian Destroyers


Chronomancer Djedi

Psychomancer Nentekh

Hexmark Destroyer

Lokhust Heavy Destroyer

Canoptek Doomstalkers

Canoptek Spyder

Royal Warden Sekmotekh

Overlord Abraxas

Plasmancer Merti and Cryptothralls

Catacomb Command Barge (High Overlord Tsaris)

Skorpekh Lord

Skorpekh Destroyers and Plasmacytes

Doom Scythes

Immortals and Scarabs
