Banearon a gente de r/Argentina por romper las reglas, mucha gente que era troll o rompe pelotas. A falta de gente, se volvio un antro anti k.
Esa gente que se fue, termino en r/Republica_Argentina pero ellos tambien tenian esa sed fachita y ahi empezaron a banear a los que no eran k. El sub se volvio k. Pero ellos tambien baneaban a los que no eran lo suficientemente k y no estaban al 100% metido en la locura. Ahora solo como 10 personas postean en ese sub y 9 de ellos son la misma persona con muchas cuentas.

Some frontends use {{time}} for real time check.

Le estas preguntando a un grupo de gente que tiene menos conocimiento / limites que chatgpt.

Its not really about () being better than []. Its just a manner of letting the AI know that something is different from the rest.

I mostly do this by using () and addressing the AI directly. Something akin to:

(This is a message to the AI. In your next response, do x)

And well, really depends on the model itself if it goes through with it or not. From personal experience, it works. Tho, do remember to remove that line after it goes through with it, otherwise the AI might start to believe that it can also address you in an OOC manner.

This feels like a repost for some reason.
Also, that opossum needs a better diet, its not cross eyed.

I am currently using Hermes-2-Pro-Llama-3-Instruct-Merged-DPO-Q5_K_M. I feei it has the advantage of being really good at following instructions and keeping track of things. And since it is good at following instructions, telling it what kind of output i want is easy.

I sure hope he doesnt drop this like he dropped his comic series.

Primero que todo, terapia, porque tenes que sacarte ese bagaje de pensamientos negativos que tenes encima.
Segundo, es cuestion de rutina la cosa. Empeza con cosas chiquitas, cosas que no te cueste mucho hacer, porque la procrastinacion se da por sentir que algo es demasiado para vos y la ansiedad te come por dentro, tanto por sentirte un boludo por no hacerlo como tambien por sentir que no podes hacerlo. Asi que con cosas chiquitas, una vez que la pelota este rodando, te va a costar menor que siga rodando.

The US didn't exactly forgive japan tho. They took all the medical research japan generated through human experimentation and then pretended japan didn't do anything wrong. And Japan also pretends that didn't happen, at least out loud.

I love how the first movie was a collection of all the amazing, most highly rated people in the anime industry and the promise of something amazing was anything but guaranteed...
and the movie ended being hot garbage.

My recommendation would be Hermes-2-Pro-Llama-3-Instruct-Merged-DPO. I have found that it is particularly good at following character cards AND following the system prompt, which is a godsend for me. It does suffer a bit on the creativity aspect, but it is still highly serviceable.

Needs a proper system prompt to squeeze the quality out of it tho.

No, its a sort of side/secret channel that is part of the canon. You can actually find a link that leads to one of the channel videos in the Mandela Catalyst video, tho it is a bit hidden.

La trola de la clase, bah del año te diria mas bien, me tiraba onda constantemente preguntandome si queria ser su novio. Yo siempre pense que me estaba boludeando porque tenia un sequito de pibes diez veces mas facheros que yo siguiendola constantemente.

Mas tarde me cayeron las amigas preguntandome porque no le daba bola a esta chica.

La verdad que si. Un chabon con un cuchillo te hace 2 metros en segundos. El del cuchillo lo podria haber matado perfectamente a esa distancia si queria. Encima el policia con un cagaso encima.

a pity the owner of the site had the tendency of stealing other people's stuff and placing the "" watermark at the bottom of other people's content to drive traffic to his site.

Aceite de oliva para freir milangas?
Solo si sos un palermitano.

I would say tone down a bit the glowing effect of the lights, clashes too much and instintively makes one squint.

Acaso no anda dando vuelta la data que esa comida mas que comida es pura yerba mate que el gobierno anterior compro a sobreprecio?

Measure its length from the very tip of its tail to the nose. If it is around 6-7 inches, then it is old enough to survive on its own.

Otherwise, provide it with warmth (example, a heating pad on minimum) or towels, lots of water and contact your local rehabber.

I absolutely love the fucking useless gesture of censoring the eyes.