ESH, you could say you won’t have his sister around you and the baby if she can’t behave herself but you can’t ask the man to cut off his twin sister entirely. Like he said, that’s his twin sister and your potential step daughter’s very close aunt. There are other solutions here besides him cutting her off completely

Los Angeles has anime expo going on right now

Actual experiences you’ve seen is called anecdotal evidence and has no statistical value to be able to generalize across the entire male population

Why do people always need to follow an -ism? All the isms have problems and people stop taking you seriously when you bring up your ism and just lump you in with the entirety of the ism. I’m really looking forward to the days we evolve past isms

Don’t base your self worth on whether or not you finished a book you didn’t like. Don’t base your self worth on how deep your vocabulary of words that aren’t ever used elsewhere can be. You’re not dumb, dumb people don’t ever wonder if they’re dumb.

No it’s just I can tell she’s not going to say no for once, but if I don’t say anything and ignore that mood, sex will never even be spoken of. Initiating would be her doing anything to get ME in the mood or thinking about sex, but she never does. It’s only obvious to me because I’ve lived with her for so long, but it’s subtle things, not like she’s walking around with a fuck me sign on her back

Unfortunately the most fervent pro life people I know are young Catholic women. Brought up going to pro life rallies and being taught motherhood is the greatest gift they can give to the world as women. They literally believe getting an abortion is murdering a baby with a soul and personality.

My wife is the never initiating type, to answer your question, it’s obvious when she wants it but she’ll never make a move to start it. So I can tell when she’ll definitely say yes. Also when you go a long time without and then your wife is enthusiastic, you get that new partner feeling all over again and try to initiate more shortly after, until the rejecting starts again and you get discouraged. Then the cycle repeats.

I can feel my blood pressure spiking even thinking about doing that

Debated a guy on TikTok live

Damn, you have the courage of a whole damn pride of lions

I’m disappointed the Sunny fans didn’t find this post sooner

That’s the temperature some British people are saying is the worst heat wave anyone has ever experienced lol

You didn’t do anything wrong and he was correct in identifying that you weren’t going to work out. You don’t take yourself too seriously in general, you take yourself and life too seriously for HIM which is a huge difference. He doesn’t want to live life the same way you do so you shouldn’t be life partners, that’s really it. When we’re young we try to make ourselves or others fit what is right for a relationship but growing up is realizing that some relationships just will never work out and it’s okay to let them go. You don’t have to be mad at him, that’s just drinking poison and hoping it hurts him instead, just move on and think about what incompatibility flags you could have noticed earlier for your next relationship.

The edit makes me think this post is an ad using rage about everyone’s most hated plot point to get engagement

Gilbert syndrome is very mild, so you don’t really need to be that concerned. It usually is only diagnosed by accident with a blood test abdominal noticing the bilirubins are high and family history. Whenever I have a new doctor they are concerned about my bilirubins until I tell them I have Gilbert’s and they just say “oh okay then that’s not a problem.”

I’ve never even thought about hitting a person in real life, but I wanted to hit his wife while reading this

Why the fuck do these cunts feel so comfortable talking like this? Nazi’s aren’t getting punched as much as they should be

Id vote for joes weekend at Bernie’s corpse

Idk if I like either better than the other, I like them both for different reasons, there’s more of a sense of continuity in American dad but family guy usually has a lot more observational humor I like