We like Amazon delivery drivers way more than cyclists. Never had to convince myself not to hit a delivery driver.

That’s kinda what I’m counting on with my question. If the original justices are not available 💀( trump too) and new ones are instilled, those could then rule what he did was unconstitutional, he goes to prison or worse( he doesn’t have much time on the clock left) there by saving democracy. In this senario, Biden doesn’t come out unscathed.

One of those aluminum emergency blankets with a military camo blanket/netting works pretty good on thermal s if you wear it like a cap so it has time to accumulate temp to the environment. Works better the hotter it is.

So Biden then falls on the sword, spends the rest of his life knowing he saved democracy?

Could Biden make a “official “ act to seize the Supreme Court justices and trump, have them replaced/removed with ones who would reverse the decision, then fall on the sword and spend the rest of his life in prison knowing he saved democracy?

Cancel the order. Then re enter the same thing and see if you can bypass the algorithm, is it the same price it was raised to? You can rig the system by canceling the orders when they do this, if not they do this Everytime.

Three life-sized, hand carved, wooden dolphins suspended from the ceiling.

One Lego corgi please!

Shit now I’m crying. Don’t know her but I love that woman and she loves her kid.

….its not even that big of and island.

Don’t act like prey….

Um, that’s what she….. never mind. Looks great, good on you.

With a coma and some inference you could be giving a compliment.

Will there be coffee and wifi