This is one of the cards I wanted; which I did end up pulling; I loved the artwork on the art on the Pokemon especially considering it’s one of the new mons; my own conclusion good find

Bahaha I have the same reaction every single time!

Just went to a show last night and saw them back to back and I saw nothing but love between them

Ran into him at a con and he was wearing an Ash vest so naturally I complimented him then he proceeded to tell me whom he was and “offered” me an autograph

I can honestly say I’m intimidated by loading a dishwasher! I’ve only ever hand washed. Any one got tips so I’m not shamed later on?

At my work the sign the parking lot speed limit is 6.2 miles

That’s explains why I never find them anymore there!

Had the pleasure of seeing this guy while eating a burger by the beach!